Saturday, September 30, 2023


Trump’s Government Shutdown

Must we endure The Don’s GOP

because for his crimes may be found guilty?

The Don declared he will attack all foes...

 a shutdown would be their catastrophe.  

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


Sickness {Satori Haiku}

When you feel you ail

and find your brain seems to fail...

vigor must prevail.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

 The Mafioso Don

All of those many lies that Trump has told,

and those scores of threats he has proposed,

should make all voters, red pols and base

know with The Don they embrace disgrace.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

 The Gods

Most lands have had their Gods,

and most have lasted many years.

Some Gods had large families

who helped their people with their fears...

others made their people slaves.

Our God, here in the USA,      

protected from excessive strife,

and guided me throughout my life.

Friday, September 22, 2023



As sun now sets and Time transmutes

that which you see He oft confutes.

When you delay one tic, or more,

watch gray hues reign as He permutes.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


 Each tic in time makes facts turn gray,

just look at history.

The longer that the pieces lay

we find a mystery.

Just look at history

 of Man of dinosaurs and such...

we find a mystery

 of who was there to tell us much.

 Of Man, of dinosaurs and such

 o’er time we find just bone

of who was there to tell us much

 and say what seeds were sewn.

 O’er time we have just bone.

Each tic in time makes facts turn gray

 to say what seeds were sewn...

 the longer that the pieces lay.

Monday, September 18, 2023


US Constitution {Satori Haiku}

Pols must not abuse

US Constitution rules...

or make them vamoose.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

                      Into the Blue

What does it mean when one says he is blue?

 Do colors define the state of the mind?

Must then we describe the shade or the hue?

And what is said if you speak to the blind?

One could be azure, as blue as clear skies,

and end his refrain with eyes filled with tears.

Be he then happy or his heart decries

his lover’s affection now veers.

What then of turquoise or aquamarine?

They’re hues of blue and fair to behold,

but no sage nor saint would know what you mean

 if that was the aura some said he showed.

Blue hues may belong on flowers or walls

but blue on a psyche renders shortfalls.

Friday, September 15, 2023


                Happy Anniversary 33

You’ve been my muse since we first wed.

Your love and warmth filled head and bed.

You shared my world and poetry

and gave both life and energy.

And though the aches and pains of age

are now a part of our life’s page.

The love of my muse is now a cure,

and there is naught I can’t endure.

God bless us with many more years,

and let love buoy us through nadirs.


Thursday, September 14, 2023

           The Task Juggler

How many files can fill the air

before they all end in despair?

I know if  I try write these few

my soul can give them their just due.

But every task  I may add

will raise the danger, least a tad,

 that some or all will clash and fall,

and nothing will get done at all. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023


House Speaker McCarthy

Rather than be replaced

Kevin must do what red pols ask.

He’ll let them impeach Joe Biden

though they have tried and failed the task.

The red pols run the U.S. House,

but Kevin has to fires douse.

{He may stay in charge,

but fires grow large.}

Monday, September 11, 2023


Music, and life, and poetry

should shun what breeds disharmony.

Yet, seems that critics of the arts

choose rap and crap to foist on me. \

Friday, September 8, 2023



I awaken every morning

at 7 am or so.

My wife picks the TV channel

she always likes to go.

I watch the programs, mute the ads.

Each day I hear same, mute is goal.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Tales {Satori Haiku}

Tales  don’t amplify,

especially with a lie...

only truth apply.


Monday, September 4, 2023


Labor Day

It’s just another holiday?

You should read the tale

of how the Pullman strike

made U.S. pols turn pale.


The government reacted

with soldiers and police.

The workers had a wildcat strike...

made commerce almost cease.


The Prez knew angry workers

must be mollified.

He pledged to them a holiday

to honor those that died.


Now Labor Day is many things

as summer fun is over.

We should cease to wear white clothes...

even your dog Rover.


Soon school will start, vacations end,

we picnic and have fun.

But, remember as you play,

the workforce this day won.




          Our Nation Groans

Our Nation is now an arena

where the red attacks the blue.

Blue Pres says lets work together.

Red pols say Biden is liked by few,

he  spends too much and a loser.

Trump just wasted more for his wall...

Biden’s money has helped us all.

{Trump’s GOP bodes misery.}