Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Laureate-Halloween


It is that time, All Hallows Eve…
when minds run free to make believe.
Though oft the costume that you choose
will bare your chi and not deceive.

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Monday, October 29, 2018

The Laureate-White House Emoluments

White House Emoluments

The White House let so many go...
not just because they’re dumb or slow.
When Prez said take all that you need,
they filched ‘til voters would bellow.

Like used-car salesmen, just like Trump,
they thought all scams were a slam dunk.
He filled his coffers with our tax...
and will until there’s no greenbacks.

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Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Laureate-Pittsburg


Solutions are simple from Trump.
Keep weapons handy when groups meet.
Then if a perp should threaten you,
you can with him compete.
{An NRA solution...solve terror with a toxin.}

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Friday, October 26, 2018

The Laureate-Trump's Ego Grandstanded

Trump’s Ego Grandstanded

It is poignant when our President
again attacks the press
because they do not spread his lies
while countrymen are in duress.

He does not even stop to think
a law that has not seen pol ink
is meaningless while bombs now sent
have far more serious portent.

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Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Laureate-Fools Oppress the Press

Fools Oppress the Press

Trump’s not first Prez to hate the press.
All felt their job was parrot words.
But when they lied and press decried...
all found it best to sheath their swords.
{The quill fears nil.}

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Laureate-Words Matter, Prez

Words Matter, Prez

If shouts of anger to your base
have caused them now to menace foes,
you are the one who earned disgrace...
your vitriol has launched arrows.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Laureate-A Nationalist!

A Nationalist!

The Prez says he’s a nationalist,
his country only counts.
He seems to value just his base...
does he the rest renounce?

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Monday, October 22, 2018

The Laureate-Asia, Europe, Middle East

Asia, Europe, Middle East

Take away Trump’s red phone...
take away atomic codes.
It seems if he goes into snits,
what sense he has erodes.

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Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Laureate-Hammurabi Brilliancy

Hammurabi Brilliancy

For laws to make the verdict just,
felons who don’t abide rules must
restore all that they did despoil,
and ne’er enriched by breaching trust.
{And on a chain gang they should toil!}

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Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Laureate-My Prez 102018

My Prez 102018

Some friends are Red and some are Blue.
If vitriol that you now spew
lands on all my countrymen...
may votes, your voodoo, soon undo.

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Friday, October 19, 2018

The Laureate-Trump's Stumps

Trump’s Stumps

Speeches to his base
are braggadocio.
And filled with lies that do abase
everyone that he deems foe.

You would think all those who listen
would tire of this ordeal.
It seems as if his mission
is prove he’s a schlemiel.

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Laureate-Constitution Absolution

Constitution Absolution

Prez loves the 1st Amendment,
it shields him when he lies...
it is a means to let him vent
when he the truth denies.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Laureate-Democracy At Risk

Democracy at Risk

Congress, the Prez and most Judges
are managed by the GOP.
The Constitution is at risk
that we morph to autocracy.

One voice now speaks for all
and GOP is at his call.
It soon could be like Russia’s realm
if we do not this trend forestall.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Laureate-The Donald 101618

The Donald 101618

The woman that you call, "Horseface,"
you paid to lay her in a bed.
It seems to me your dignity
was lower than a crazed biped.

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Monday, October 15, 2018

The Laureate-Global Warming 101518

Global Warming 101518

Prez says the warmth comes not from us
and needs not make a costly fuss.
If this be true, who spreads such pooh...
and fie on the fools that tell you thus?

Do icebergs thaw from aerosol?
Yes, pundits disagree.
Some blame rapacious Man for flaw...
some Nature acting damnably.

You seem not care what sinks our coast
as temps around us rise.
What we need most is your riposte
to force the threat to minimize.

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Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Laureate-Trump's Blame Game

Trump’s Blame Game

Trump blames the Dems for vitriol,
says they are like an angry mob.
But if you watch him with his base
his language borders on macabre.

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Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Laureate-Prez Flack Attacks

Prez Flack Attacks

The Prez sure likes to wing it,
but, often lies to make thoughts fit.
He sends out flack, but ne'er looks back
to see if it is counterfeit.

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Friday, October 12, 2018

The Laureate-Peer Fear

Peer Fear

Though Congress gets bad grades,
my biggest worry is my peers.
Their votes just seem to bring them back
to foul us up for many years.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Laureate-Our Don Must Con

Our Don Must Con

If our Prez was a smarter man,
he could now drive an ice-cream van...
unfortunately, he’d still tell lies
and a cone’s size still maximize.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Laureate-Take Care, My Prez

Take Care, My Prez

The Blues are still your countrymen,
and insults can oft lose a friend.
And lately, sir, your vitriol
are faux pas that can scores offend.

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The Laureate-Kavanaugh's Oath

Kavanaugh’s Oath

Let’s hope some good may come come this.
If he escaped from crimes amiss,
may he now seek to grasp God’s hand...
and e’er correct what failed His plan.

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Monday, October 8, 2018

The Laureate-November Elections

November Elections

The Propositions can confuse,
most can’t decode the legalese.
And if you read both pros and cons
you’ll find the script has cavities.

Pol statements can say anything,
but they are meant to lure you close.
And when pols hold their office now
their actions earn retain...depose.

But do not let dark money lies
ever sway you to views revise.

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Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Laureate-Bret's Win...Our Loss

Bret’s Win...Our Loss

Kavanaugh won the seat he sought,
but women feel Trump backed a sot,
who nearly raped a teen...and more
but vowed that he remembered squat.
{That’s when the Prez Pols closed the door.}

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Friday, October 5, 2018

The Laureate-Congratulations Kavanaugh!

Congratulations Kavanaugh!

Congratulations Kavanaugh,
your feints and taints filled all with awe.
But if you took what lies detect
perhaps you would your crimes recall.
{But Prez and Reds had stacked the deck.}

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Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Laureate-For Prod...or Nod {White House Probe.}

For Prod...or Nod?
{White House Probe}

When you investigate a crime
and witnesses are known,
it seems to me you’d take the time
to fill all blanks that are unknown.
{Your shot in the dark was but a lark.}

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The Laureate-Trump's Con

Trump’s Con

Is it fake news when other’s views
tend to light what you keep dark?
It seems your life is one big con
that you learned from your patriarch.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Laureate-Listen


Listen when others talk to you,
though they be Red, opaque, or Blue.
They have a reason for their tint,
and you best know what taints their hue.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Laureate-When You Lie

When You Lie

If you seek comfort from your bed,
pardon from all the lies you’ve said...
know truths alone can bring to fore
that which you seek...forevermore.

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Monday, October 1, 2018

The Laureate-Lobbyists

Lobbyists 10118 

They have a master’s ax to grind...
and rare our problems are aligned.
Dark money flows to breach the fore
and all the rest must suck the hind.

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