Sunday, May 30, 2021

Memorial Day, last Monday in May

We honor all who gave their life

to keep our country free from strife.

Our love for them can not decay...

pray rapture fills God’s afterlife.



Gun Laws 

Permit a gun for everyone,

then hope they will never use it…

but is this not with madness done

if anger makes some abuse it.


From the Jim Cox's blog, It's My Turn.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Don’s a Dud

To help country’s economy

Trump signed an official order.

Workers could skip a payroll tax...

Trump thought the IRS won’t stir.


Regrettably, they did.

They said all pay in thirty days.

When the CPAs were acrid

the worker’s eyes began to blaze.

{Trump thought  that he was clever...

but we best heed him, never.}


Trump’s Worst in Verse is available at

Authorhouse, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


Friday, May 28, 2021


Friday Rhyming Haiku-True Win

Play each game with care.

Ensure that all  moves are fair...

then can honors wear.


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Trump’s Base Disgrace

What’s happening to our country

when people accept Trump’s big lie?

His base believes and will ante

to red pols they should vilify.


They have enriched a woman pol

who lies more than The Don.

One could say she’s a femme fatale...

even Congress would like her gone.

{Trump’s base is low on logic...

they’re candles without a wick.}


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Trump’s Jury Awaits

 A special grand jury convened

to observe what The Don has done.

If as president he demeaned

his vital seat, he’ll be felon.

{So many sins are on the slate...

it’s doubtful he can all negate.}


Trump’s Worst in Verse is available at

Authorhouse, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.



Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Trump’s Golf Courses

A human rights group in Scotland

asked the regime to lend a hand.

Would they find now who lent Trump cash

for golf courses no longer grand?


Trump buys courses a lot with cash

but through the years they tend to crash.

He does not care, he plays for free...

and can reduce hole scores by three.

Sunday, May 23, 2021


Dawn and Sunset Vie 

Each day the dawn and sunset vie

to stir those dreams we set awry.

For with the dawn a new lot’s cast

and what’s on hold could vivify.


{From the book, Rubai by James E. Cox}

Friday, May 21, 2021

Trump’s Wayward Herd 

The Don must think the GOP

best bow when he speaks bitterly.

The wayward herd,

that he has stirred,

should never with him disagree.

{Trump must keep red pols in line

or his power may decline.}

Thursday, May 20, 2021

                                                            Friday’s Rhyming Haiku-Pain

From Life’s lessons, pain...

within your Chi must remain,

                                                                    or all angst in vain.

                                                                      The Flaky  GOP 

The GOP majority

seem to choose to be anti.

Although they do not like the Dems,

accept their laws all need badly.

{Remember, red pols must strive to serve

everyone who does deserve.},

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Trump’s Legal Problems 

Donald Trump’s legal woes

approaching criminal.

Now, he may have to go to court

where his lies are more arousal.

{Long arm of our laws exposing flaws}

Monday, May 17, 2021


New Anti-Trump Group

An anti-Trump GOP new group

has formed to try for unity.

Let’s pray they now can stay away

from all The Don’s absurdity.

{It’s a step in the right direction,

if they make the apt correction.}

Friday, May 14, 2021

Fridays Haiku- The Morrow

{To paraphrase Shakespeares Hamlet}


Morrows creep through time,

we often find fail to rhyme...

make all days sublime.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Re: The Don, January 6

If laws would make the balance just,

those that leave it’s boundaries must

restore more than they did despoil

and ne’er enriched by breaching trust.

{From the book, Rubai by James E. Cox}

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The U.S. Senate

All senators best vote as one

or prove to all that they can think.

For if one does the rest will shun,

then try to force them to a shrink.


Those who said The Don is guilty

for the attack on Capitol,

the Senate says that  they must leave

for Trump is the Senate’s idol.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Humor’s Subtle Light

Let humor cast it’s subtle light

and serve as truth’s fair acolyte.

No fiend from hell can cause much grief

when bared of Fear’s appalling night.


{From the book, Rubai by James E. Cox}

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Trump Was Defeated, Not Cheated 

Trump, The Don, you were not cheated...

from stupid acts you were defeated.

Just like a Don you chose to rule

by force alone when plights heated.


All of those that you asked to aid

had first to pledge fealty.

And all choices you had made

are from lack of reality.


You always seemed to choose a fool...

then you would tell them what to do.

But they could not maintain a thought

and they would not do what they ought.


You chose to duel with China

and make them pay us more.

But many prices did increase

and make our people poor.


Our allies you would irritate...

most Tsars you would adore.

Upon a whim, you’d liquidate

someone you did abhor.


But when you sent your goons

to terrorize the Capitol,

what you left in ruins

is more than a little evil.

Friday, May 7, 2021

The Republican Plan

Red pols are making voting hard...

especially if you are not white.

But they’re so dumb they disregard

all of their voters have same plight.


Thursday, May 6, 2021

Trump’s Blog 

The Don now has a blog...

he’ll try to rule the Internet.

And for hours he can hog

topics he will later regret.


With pen or mic, he’s not first-rate...

yet base will watch him, though not great.

He often will make a mistake...

but if they’re smart, they won’t donate.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Trump’s Batty GOP

You who support The Don’s big lie,

and election truth you deny,

are fools who want to stay in power...

but unwise laws now underlie.

{Cogitate, or face your fate.}


Trump’s Worst in Verse is available at  Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Trump’s Big Lie Continues 

Trump and his GOP

display to all stupidity.

How many times must Dems prove

their anger now flows baselessly.

{The Don has gone psycho,

and crazed base his lies echo.}


Trump’s Worst in Verse is available at  Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


Monday, May 3, 2021


All voters are Americans.

It matters naught the hue of skin,

Pols seats in the Senate, or House,

are where laws must begin.


If seats came not from biased fans,

they then came from a biased heart.

They should now be just also-rans...

from which next votes should part.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Rhyming Haiku-Memoirs


Overcome ennui

by writing about your past...

what you would have last.