Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Laureate-Friday's Haiku {Rage}

Friday’s Haiku


Put away your gun.
If rage surrenders, battle’s won...
and Death calls no one.

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The Laureate-Election Extension

Election Extension

Trump would delay the election...
that pretense to red pols makes sense.
It is to their predilection
to have more time to lies dispense.
{If Trump wants more time, he might
find plenty when the voters smite.}

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Laureate-The AG Barr Hearing

The AG Barr Hearing

The hearing was a soupcon
impeachment of The Don.
The Dems attacked Barr for his acts
of helping Trump to punish Blacks.
Red pols attacked the Democrats
and treated them like they’re polecats.
And Barr took ev’ry chance he got
to prove he’s Trump’s mascot.
{Why does the Congress waste their time
to hear Red pols accept Trump’s crime?

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Monday, July 27, 2020

The Laureate-When Trump Commuted Stone

When Trump Commuted Stone

When Trump commuted Stone,
that did not seal Stone’s innocence.
And when Trump was impeached,
Red pols did not virtue dispense.

Trump boasts that he is smart...
best read and listen to the polls.
Our land, our laws, Covid nonsense
devalues all he does propose.
{If The Don is really smart,
he’d say goodbye and depart.}

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Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Laureate-Trump’s Blue States’ Secret Police

Trump’s Blue States’ Secret Police

When will Trump’s police wear arm bands?
Adolph did with the swastika.
Soon the symbol was known to fans
who raised an arm and shouted, “Heil”
{Trump’s police are really no secret.
Votes may make his ruse one he’ll regret.}

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Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Laureate-Trump’s Power Dour

Trump’s Power Dour

No Don had such power,
and none has had such gall.
He hates all foe...treats schizo,
and like a Don defies the law.

He surrounds himself with lawyers
and many judges, too.
To felon friends, he quickly bends
and pardons to keep true.
{We’ve never seen such gall,
but our vote can make him fall.}

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Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Laureate-Friday's Haiku-The Bible

Friday’s Haiku -The Bible
{To paraphrase Mathew 7.7}

Seek and you shall find,
but must ask with all your heart...
Christ, please prime my mind!

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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Laureate-The Don's Task Force

The Don’s Task Force

When Trump took over Covid facts,
I felt it time to just relax.
I knew he’d spout his many lies
and cover up most stupid acts.

We found he’s sending arms to fight
those who merely rally at  night.
They want The Don to hear their plea
but forced to face his Hittite.
{He has started a war that we all abhor.}

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Monday, July 20, 2020

The Laureate-Analyze Trump's Lies

Analyze Trump’s Lies

O’er eighteen thousand times Trump’s lied...
 that is while he’s President.
If we allow him to reside
as valid White House resident,
ensure all facts are verified.
{Better still, remove from The Hill.}

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Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Laureate-Putin’s Hackers, Bad Factors

Putin’s Hackers, Bad Factors

Trump could never Putin confront
though Russian help to win flagrant.
If now  the Cozy Bear hackers
steal research, will Trump stay dormant?
{The Don said thanks so many ways...
scrutinize all that he okays!}

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Friday, July 17, 2020

The Laureate-Friday Haiku, Anger

Friday's Haiku-Anger
When anger rises,
‘Tis time to walk, but not flee...
why wrath’s there now key!

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Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Laureate-Trump's Goal, Control

Trump’s Goal, Control

The Don now tries to hide the deaths
that his stupidity has caused.
He’ll veil the truth and tell more lies
and blame another for his flaws.
{Once in control, no truth will flow.}

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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Laureate-Trump’s Rose Garden Speech

Trump’s Rose Garden Speech

Did Trump only come to babble
or all of his foes to rattle?
He said he was there to China scare,
but his attention deficit
made him to sound like a dimwit.
{The Don attacks all thought a foe...
in his state of mind, he just loco.}

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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Laureate-The Don vs Fauci

The Don vs Fauci

The Don is blamed for virus course,
but says Fauci is the bad source.
But we all know
from whence lies grow,
and Trump deceives with tour de force.
{Trump can’t admit he’s the culprit.}

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Monday, July 13, 2020

The Laureate-TV Ads

TV Ads
I don’t like to wake to screaming,
regardless what they call the band.
I don’t like to eat, while chef’s cook...
it often makes my lunch taste bland.
Do not advise what pills to take,
then mention that few people die.
Don’t play same ads, same time, same place...
they don’t take long to putrefy.
{Three minutes of ads ruin a plot...
seniors by then long forgot.}

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Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Laureate-Trump Commutes Stone

Trump Commutes Stone

The Don said to verdict commute.
Those who are now one-wit astute,
know he is still a guilty man,
and all his crimes are far from mute.
{Trump’s horn should evermore stay still
or voters may impose their will.}

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Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Laureate-Stone, Flynn, et al.

Stone, Flynn, et al.

The Don’s an abomination
for what he’s done to our nation.
He’s trashed our country and it’s laws...
for felon friends’ trial verdicts shun.
{He is an anathema...murky pink must be his aura.}

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Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Laureate-Friday's Haiku-Think

Fridays Haiku-Think
Nightmares ruin our sleep.
Could be troubles unresolved.
Insight puzzles solve.

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The Laureate-The Mai-in Ballot 7920

The Mail-in Ballots 7920

Withhold funds to the RNC
til they allow our votes by mail.
And if they refuse to agree,
may our votes make The Don bewail.
{Allow for the virus...
we, too, can be callous.}

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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Laureate-The AZ Visits (and others.)

The AZ Visits (and others.)

Trump and Pence rallied many times...
the Virus deaths still rise.
If people died from their babble,
to kin both should apologize.
{Neither said to use a mask...
now they in shame must both bask.

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The Laureate-Happy Eighty Matey!

      Happy Eighty Matey!

She’s allied with my Erato,
Poet Muse of Drama and Love.
She fills my life with thoughts of both,
with Erato’s support above.

She shapes my verses with her warmth,
the passion moves my quill.
And til each poem meets their gauge     
I’m channeled by their will

She’s been my wife for thirty years
my muse, my critic, confidant,
my lover and my closest friend...
and all a man could ever want.
            ”Happy Birthday!”

Monday, July 6, 2020

The Laureate-The Rebel Statues

The Rebel Statues

Trump made his stand on those statues.
Although Rebs fought to own Black souls,
and God decries their views...
The Don’s base must endorse those goals.

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Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Laureate-Trump at Mount Rushmore

Trump at Mount Rushmore

Trump lied among stone presidents...
they were men that had earned respect.
He did not talk of unity,
once all his words were double-checked.

He talked about his woes and foes,
and why he reached his present lows.
The Don attacked the Dems and Blacks
since their uproars from him detracts.

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Friday, July 3, 2020

The Laureate-4th of July

4th of July

Though we gaze upon the sky,
few rockets fill our night.
Play Sousa marches but don’t cry…
our flag still waves tonight.
It waves for all who fight and die
to shield our dear birthright.

We fight another enemy...
it’s one that few can even see.
We, too, are now asked to be brave
and do what’s right to country save.

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Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Laureate-Friday's Haiku-Fables

Friday’s Haiku-Fables

Lies may fill their tales.
In lore o’er time facts erode.
Think twice when Chi flails.

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