Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 Toast


On the 2020 last day,

there is no proper toast.

We can not say, “Hurrah”

when with a virus we’re engrossed.


Let’s hope arm shots we give

help kith and kin to live...

then pray in 2021,

we can our toast blazon.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Trumps Jan. 6th  Ploy 

After all the lies rejected

by judges in our land,

some Red pols now are expected

to choose the press to reprimand.


Freedom of Speech is given all...

The Don was allowed 23k lies.

The red pols have a lot of gall

to choose the press to criticize.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What The Don Has Conned

The Don must leave in twenty-two days,

but lies may set our land ablaze.

Proud Boys prepare to brawl...

Moscow Mitch now primes Trump’s spitball.

And Trump pretends he shoots for par,

while saying he’ll be our savior.


Visit more poems by the Laureate.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Is The Don Done! 

Is The Don truly playing golf...

or planning how to turn the tide?

He’s lost all ploys to change the vote

that judges are now bleary-eyed.


It seems there’s one more travesty

where Trump could change adversity.

His minions could bode fear to all

if they incite our lands downfall.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.


Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Don’s Proud Boys 

The Don still won’t admit defeat...

but bleating from his catbird seat.

To anger us he pardons felons,

who roam again as his hellions.

Our biggest fear, while in his sphere,

is Proud Boys gang will interfere.

{If The Don’s made-men go too far,

The Don should be on our radar.}


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Don’s Angry

There are new reports that The Don

is turning on red pols, once tool.

They have escaped from his fiefdom

and angry tweets now ridicule.


Trump acts like he has flipped his lid...

forgets they topped his pyramid.

He now must find more loyal mules

who can survive all his miscues.

{Trump blows his top...

mad tweets don’t stop.}


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Trump’s Cross-words 

The Don is a man of his word...

all tweets filled with anger and lies.

It is too bad how much he’s stirred

that Biden beat him by surprise.


Trump thought he would win the election

despite virus deaths from his lack.

He should have known his deception

with votes creates a cul-de-sac.

{Trump’s never been upset by Vlad...

it’s time our tweets cursed his comrade.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Friday’s Rhyming Haiku-Fit Wit

Each day exercise,

make mind and body allies...

Chi notes all that’s wise.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Trump’s Base Scary

It is very hard to believe

so many of our countrymen

use threats and ploys to deceive

so Trump can rule our land again.


Trump lost the election

by seven million nays.

What perps do now we can’t allow...

confine them ‘till Trump cannot craze.

{At least for forty days!}


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Sunday, December 13, 2020

We Must Weigh Trump’s Wait

The Don should now be credited

for the Covid virus vaccine.

He also should be debited

for all the deaths while just waiting.

{To err is not humane.}


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Trump’s Final Ploy?


Trump’s latest strategy

coerced o’er one hundred red pols

to use a lot of trickery

so Trump would win when Biden falls.


The Supreme Court blocked that sham...

again best Trump prepares to leave.

Red pols and Trump may find that scam

may make the GOP soon grieve.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.


Friday, December 11, 2020

Donald J. Trump

.(and GOP}

Think of the things The Don has done...

not all of them were bad.

Now think of when he was brazen

and found results had made you mad.


The rich man became more wealthy.

The middle class barely survived.

The hue of skin kept him busy...

too dark your ballot he denied.


Our votes reflected what we thought

and said that he should leave.

And now those ills that he has wrought

with lies he tries again achieve.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Trump Maddens Minions

The Don enrages his minions

despite no fraud was ever found.

Trump stirs the spat that he begat

when the election let him down.


Now some red pols and base

increased their ire to hyperspace...

and if their anger kills one soul

it’s off to jail The Don must go.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Trump’s Fate

Will Trump await his fate

or continue to claim he won?

Most, frankly, think it is too late

to change the minds of those he’d shun.

The barriers Trump erected

against his countrymen,

in the votes reflected...

Trump best not run again.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Trump’s Ploy, Decoy

The Don demands to be our tsar...

will just accept the votes for him.

Red pols and base know they will star

if they bow to every whim.

{If we allow Trump’s fetid ploy,

our Republic he will destroy.}


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Trump’s Minions

Since the country’s leading liar

attacks the election outcome,

and his minions, too, conspire

to create their own bedlam,

I pray that when The Don must leave

a cell will aid felons to grieve.

{Some now abet a crime,

their lies will last through time.}


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Trump’s Forty-five Minute Harangue

The Don’s lies are getting better,

but forty-five minutes long.

With force Trump made them bitter...

but all facts were still wrong.

{When The Don retires,

make him douse all fires.}


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Trump Cease, Permit Peace! 

This nonsense better cease!

The ballots have been verified.

The Don has’s time for peace.

Trump’s hacks and base are those who lied.


This nation needs to mend.

It’s time that Trump accepts the facts.

Though his base gives funds, he best fend

seven weeks more and then make tracks.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.