Monday, August 31, 2020

The Laureate-Your Pending Vote

Your Pending Vote

Ere voting for The Don,
ponder what he has done.
Don’t give in to his lies.
Think about conflicts declared won...
and note how he will bastardize.
{To lie is a sin to not give The Don the nod} 

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Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Laureate-Books About Donald J. Trump

Books About Donald J. Trump

I’m not a bit surprised
 that in the books about The Don,
the writers have surmised
that he is a phenomenon.

He can’t converse without a lie,
and even that he’ll amplify.
If one should question what he said,
his tweets will very essence shred.

He doesn’t merely bend the law,
he plays it like his toy gewgaw.
Six hundred poems to him I wrote...
and nary did I sugarcoat.

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Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Laureate-Friday's Haiku-From Proverbs 15.1

Friday’s Haiku-From Proverbs 15.1

To turn away wrath,
you must always answer soft...
bitter words won’t waft.

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The Laureate-Day Three GOP Convention

Day Three GOP Convention

After thirty minutes,
I turned the channel off.
‘Twas more of same, and but inflame
what  two days I would scoff.

The Don just shunned the law...
the Hatch Act most of all.
And Pence intense, as Veep,
let’s The Don breach all protocol.
{Trump decides on protocol
because his ego’s filled with gall.}

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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Laureate-Red Convention, Day Two

Red Convention, Day Two

The Don has found it’s possible
that some people lie just like him.
His family and his toadies
state that he leads the Seraphim.
{Trump cannot lead anything...
let alone where angels sing.}

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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Laureate-The Republican Convention

The Republican Convention

Trump could not wait to strike at Dems,
implied they are all socialists.
Strange, if that is what  he condemns,
why is not Putin on his list.

Every one who gave him praise
told of good things he as done.
I think they all  should get a raise,
because of all the lies they spun.
{Actually, he’s done some good...
unfortunately, in Hollywood.}

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Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Laureate-The Election

The Election
{The Don, et al}

When pols disparage foes
they should be punished if they lie.
And falsehoods about their own deeds
should bar the chair they’d occupy.
{To err is lie is brazen.}

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Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Laureate-The Democratic Convention

The Democratic Convention

The Don now wastes his lies.
He also wastes his time.
In polls he fails,
despite his rails...
best change his paradigm.
{I never watch Trump on TV,
he either brags or is angry.}

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Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Laureate-Friday's Haiku, Evil

Friday’s Haiku-Evil

Chi must sense evil
or Satan deems he can win...
God best wit instill.

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The Laureate-The Don's Babylon

The Don’s Babylon

The Don surrounds himself with crooks
 so they can help him cook the books.
Everyone knows The Don tells lies...
that he deceives is no surprise.
He asks for help from Russian bear.
When he denies, he thinks that’s fair.
{If that’s who you would keep as president,
your stupidity is quite evident.}

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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Laureate-The Don’s Phenomenon

The Don’s Phenomenon  

The Don gives his foes shameful names
like some teenage bully.
 But the venom that he exclaims
his flunkies agree with fully.
{Trump spreads much  hate,
yet claims he’s great.}

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Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Laureate-The Don Conatron

The Don Conathon

I heard Trump told 20k lies,
o’er 18k I did surmise.
He must repeat them for his base...
for their dull minds will most misplace.
{The Don has faith in lies,
he thinks to tell the truth unwise.}

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Friday, August 14, 2020

The Laureate-Friday's Haiku, Clear Nadir

Friday's Haiku-Clear Nadir

When woe bends you low,
and heart and Chi near nadir,
don’t let fear adhere.

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Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Laureate-Our Mail

Our Mail

The Don has proved to all of us
the kind of prez for which we’ll vote.
He fears deceptive schemes
will Democrats promote.

Post Master General DeJoy
has been named by The Don
to slow the transport of the mail...
another perp is now Trump’s pawn.
{‘Tis time that Congress does its job,
and not become one of his mob.}

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Monday, August 10, 2020

The Laureate-The Trump/Putin Connection

The Trump/Putin Connection.

The Don has not spurned Putin’s aid
in the November election.
The Russian bounty on our troops
Trump doesn’t even mention.
And when he’s told of Cozy Bear
he doesn’t seem to give a care.
{No votes for Trump and Moscow Mitch
should show that Russia is their niche.}

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Thursday, August 6, 2020

The Laureate-Friday Haiku, Gospel 19 of Mathew

Friday's Haiku-Gospel 19 of Mathew
{Through the needles eye to heaven}

A camel can pass,
the rich must obey God’s Laws...
and wealth creates flaws.
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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Laureate-Post Master General DeJoy

Post Master General DeJoy

When Trump put his ally in charge
of key step in the election,
and it may take years to discharge...
that’s really Trumps predilection.
{If DeJoy procrastinates, pray Congress castigates...
and jail awaits.}

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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Postal Service Voter Suppression


Since The Don took the helm,

I’ve sent him o’er five hundred rhymes.

I never tried to overwhelm,

but let him know what I deemed crimes.


The Don now wants to thwart the mail

to impede our vote.

Because of this crime’s scale

this rhyme must have an enraged note.


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Monday, August 3, 2020

The Laureate-The Don’s Squirrelly Blight

The Don’s Squirrelly Blight

The Don oft tweets, “Fake news
is the enemy of the people.”
It is quite odd that he would choose
the very thing that his lies fuel.
{The trouble with The Don
is he forgets to wear Teflon.}

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Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Laureate-To The Don

To The Don

Your lies and tweets have sealed my vote...
your bile is vile to all but base.
It’s those alone on whom you dote.
As president you’re a disgrace.
{Most in this land you now deride,
and I won’t vote for Mr. Hyde.}

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Saturday, August 1, 2020