Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Laureate-The News 83017

Each day as I digest the news,
I try rely on other’s views.
But each and all with bias fail...
for all they say mere déjà vu.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Laureate-Life's Game 82817

Life poses contests every day,
and oft you choose from shades of gray.
Never give up when options fail
'tis best each time all tints you weigh.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Laureate-The Octogenarian

My Pols
I ask that you but tell the truth...
so far I’ve borne all pain.
But when you lie of what’s awry,
I fear those dear may sip champagne.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Laureate-Chicago

Chicago is now a doddering town.
My city of birth...and what a letdown.
O’er the years its learned so little...
like years of yore gangs seek renown.

Murder, mayhem, and lawlessness
has left my birthplace in distress.
I suggest you now need find
any kin of Eliot Ness.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Laureate-Afghanistan

A nation filled with rival clans
who serve those with the highest pay.
Its exports are the poppy plant's 
drug that can cruel death purvey.

For seventeen years we've fought a war
and watched our heroes fight and die,
while their leaders gave our dough
to those on whom we can't rely.

Leave, then stop the flow of drugs
and never again befriend the thugs. 

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

The Laureate-Protests

When biased clans demand to speak,
known that their words will venom shriek,
‘tis best, I say, you stay away...
let none be roused, except the clique...
unless, of course, you’d add your aye!

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Friday, August 18, 2017

The Laureate-Peaceful Demonstrations

A peaceful march, we must declare,
allows no weapons anywhere,
and those that march and those that view
give Freedom of Speech its proper due.
All those who violate the peace,
must pace a cell, if they don’t cease.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Monday, August 14, 2017

The Laureate-Charlottesville

At one hundred and thirteen years,
the oldest Jew survived The War
where Nazis strove to spread same fears,
the devil’s minions strew once more.

Our soldiers died to set him free,
and on our sacred sod
more Nazis killed our progeny...
and Prez did little more than nod.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Laureate-The Tournament

To win at golf most pundits claim
the three flaws that perturb a game
are anger and angst and urge to impel
the ball with such force it may burst aflame.

{or simply said, you must temper tame.}

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Laureate-I'll say it again

Global Warming
Trump’s told the heat comes not from us...
no need to make a costly fuss.
If this not true,
why spread such pooh...
and fie on fools that tell him thus?

Icebergs may thaw from aerosol,
though his pundits disagree.
They choose not blame Man for the flaw,
but Nature acting damnably.

It matters not what is at fault...
the crisis needs a resolution.
‘Tis time you realize we ought
to pursue a good solution.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Monday, August 7, 2017

The Laureate-Throw Out The Trash

The land and sea by greedy fill
the utmost with their deadly trash.
They found the cost for them was nil
if for them Earth became their cache.

May God on high to them deny
a moments peaceful lullaby,
until those perps
and greedy twerps
clean up the world they made a sty.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Friday, August 4, 2017

The Laureate-Greed

There is no worse a sin than Greed.
many men died to sate that need...
a need for power absolute
and wealth to craft transgressions moot.

For Man to survive this century,
as Nature releases Her fury
the greedy must quickly realize
their power’s moot...if our race dies.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Laureate-Congress 8217

Politicos leave me prostrate.
They say they’ll give a tax rebate,
then give it not to we who pay
but to some pork that’s but deadweight.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.