Friday, October 30, 2020

Friday Haiku-You who lead


You who chose to lead

find path that’s good for most...but

aid the lame in need.


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Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Don's Henchmen


The Don spread Giuliani’s lies

against opponent Joe Biden.

The courts have found two other guys

Giuliani used as henchmen.

{Since Giuliani works for Prez,

all should share what the judge says.}


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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

 Trump Lies on Taxes and Ego Waxes. 

The lies Trump told on tax returns

The Don says makes him smart.

But his cheats should cause concerns...

we suffered much from his blackheart.

{The twenty thousand lies Trump’s told

has conned us least tenfold.}


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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 The Don’s Repeats, Not Treats

I fast-forward now with TiVo

to circumvent politicians.

Same lies throughout the day echo...

like drug salesmen on their missions.

{Trump cannot bare reality...

he has to bluster blarney.} 

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Monday, October 26, 2020


The Don’s New Muppet?

When Barrett is Supreme Court Judge,

I pray she won’t be just a tool

who works for Trump and Moscow Mitch

and red pols in The Don’s cesspool.

[If strings are attached,

Trump’s plans are unlatched.}


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Sunday, October 25, 2020

 The Don’s Coming Plight

To show his base of his concern,

throughout the country he will rally.

Pandemic bugs Trump will spurn

and amuse all with his blarney.

{Trump doesn’t seem to realize

he can’t kill Covid with more lies.}


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Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Don vs Biden #2


The debate improved o’er the first,

until Trump told the tale spun

by Giuliani and Russians

of the falsehoods re Biden’s son.


Trump also lied so many times,

each of them should count as crimes,

about Covid and his successes...

never notes what he suppresses.

{Trump never admits he is wrong...

made no mistakes his whole life long.}


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Friday, October 23, 2020


A Flower’s Power

Flora and Fauna have synergy,

and Man oft shares the energy.

Plants use beauty for attraction,

and zest for life spurs the action.


Palo Verde was the choice

that my wife gave fondest voice.

We put the tree next to our home...

the tree, nor we, will never roam.


For every spring, it bares gold

and in each spring, a message told...

although it ages, as do we,

it can surmount fear and ennui.


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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Osiris Rex-What Trump Neglects,

The minds of US scientists

traveled o’er two million miles

to test an asteroid

for answers to augment their files.


Some answers oft would minds perplex.

Some  questions never asked before

were answered, although quite complex...

for the unknown hides what’s in store.


The team fulfilled their mission

surrounded by intelligence.

Trump’s teams display no acumen...

just loyalty they must dispense.

[To The Don allegiance means reverence.}


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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

 Trump’s IQ Issue

IQs are either high or low

regarding the mean average.

Upon which side Trump’s base should go,

it did not take a sage.

His lies did not outrage,

and stupid chants are apropos.

{If you wonder why it’s apropos,

his base oft gives Trump lots of dough.}


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Monday, October 19, 2020

Trump:. An Arrogant Elephant

Donkeys and elephants live here...

one elephant is president.

The only ones that Trump holds dear

are elephants...that’s evident.


The GOP we had called them...

yet, “Grand Old Party” they are not.

We thought that Trump should love us all,

but that was not what country got.

{The Don feels all should kiss his butt...

or never be compatriot.}


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Sunday, October 18, 2020


Trump’s Rallies, Just Carnies

No one should be at Trump’s rallies

encircled by the parasite.

His lies alone can make you sick...

but ego and ire blight each rite.

{The Don entertains for your vote

but brings no Covid antidote.}


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Saturday, October 17, 2020

Pray The Don Soon Gone

Six hundred poems...and more I’ve writ

in diaries that help keep track

of all the times The Don has lied...

while friendly Putin guards his back.


Today, I voted him adieu

and pray his ploys soon through.

May my next verse control a curse

and grant him no curfew.

{Trump tries so hard to foes defame,

but he’s the one with low acclaim.}


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Friday Haiku-Ennui

Ennui’s answer, love.

For children, spouse and your friends...

warmth most vacuum ends.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Barrett Parrots

Barrett’s responses to Dems questions

were always a bit like a mantra.

They seemed to be always preconceived

and allowed her a quick tata.

{Her adieu felt like kung-fu.}

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Monday, October 12, 2020

Trump’s Packed Courts

The Don has been packing the courts

and now would add Amy Barrett.

Red pols are quick to criticize

Biden’s silence about same glut.

{What’s good for the goose...

just Trump can produce?}


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Saturday, October 10, 2020


Trumps Rally...Finale?

Trump wants to interface

with his devoted base.

But he must surely know

if he spreads COVID woe,

those dead he can’t replace.


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Friday, October 9, 2020


The Don’s Michigan Response 

We know now Trump’s delirious,

with Dems he’s filled with hate.

He'd rather lose in Michigan

than white extremists agitate.

{Trump is not cured if wrongly inured.}


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Thursday, October 8, 2020


Friday Haiku-Political Lies

Political lies

are sins and can vows forsake...

best your votes excise.

 Visit for more poems by the Laureate.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Trump’s Grand Ole Party Hypocrisy .

Red pols will still control the vote...

a right that’s guaranteed to all.

For many years they’ve staged this crime...

it is time that our votes blackball.

{Some red pol states best quell all hates.}


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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Trump’s Mind-boggling Bragging

Trump’s braggadocio,

when he faced the virus,

implies Trump is pseudo psycho...

whose ego oft enrages us.

{Is The Don suggesting we all try it?}


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Monday, October 5, 2020

Trump’s Impeachment-Redux

Trump’s lawyers abet his misdeeds...

implied can kill to fill our needs.

Two hundred thousand U.S. souls

already died and bell still tolls.

{In order to win their case, his lawyers earned disgrace.}

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Saturday, October 3, 2020


Presidential News 

The Don’s still in the hospital.

Doctors and White House aides

with answers seem to stumble...

is it one of Trump’s charades?

{After twenty thousand lies,

we don’t know what he may guise.}


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Friday, October 2, 2020


Pray For First Family

The President and First Lady

are Covid-19 positive.

Trump dare not rally with his base...

he has their votes...ensure they live.

{Trump’s base approves all lies,

he loses a vote each time one dies.}


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.


Thursday, October 1, 2020


Friday Haiku-Blarney

Wit must fill our Chi,

tough times thrive on apathy...

blarney may be key.


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