Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Laureate-June

We honor fathers and the Flag,
on sandy beaches lollygag.
Ardent swains to their love croon...
take bride and hide on honeymoon.
Snowbirds leave to beat the heat...
but, comes the snow to south retreat.
Fools head north for somewhere cool...
they need but find the closest pool.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Laureate-Ask Yourselves

Ask yourselves who sustains them,
and who supports their foes?
Who receives dark money
that for their conscience flows?

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Laureate-The Election

The Red and Blue are left with two,
and wait to see what time will do.
Who best will the overwhelm the foe?
Who best escapes the undertow?

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Laureate-The Prayer

Again morning comes.
It is time that you thank God...
mute prayer was answered

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Laureate-Who Won?

{Prop 123}
If our pols used money dark
to pass a bill with logic stark,
did those riches buy the nod
to sell away our precious sod...
so builders can on homes embark?

{I hope damned few next vote for you!}

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Laureate-The Chosen

I've listened to both...and I am scared,
seems neither of them are prepared
to pilot our nation
or end the stagnation
of progress that the pols impaired.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Laureate-Anger

Bees sting when angry...
With bowels rent it's evident...
curses best to vent 

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Laureate-Ennui

Keep all plaudits near.
Sense again when soul is low...
more than apropos.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Friday, May 13, 2016

The Laureate-Dear Candidate

Remember those across the aisle
do not share your same ethos,
and though you have a winning style,
what votes lay there block your goalpost.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Laureate- Haiku For You

Clinton is a pol.
Trump is bad on protocol.
Who will least appall?

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Laureate-Dark Money

Politicos are mighty brash
when they pass laws to mask dark cash.
Let's make sure they can't abuse it
by ousting them before they use it.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Laureate-Now and Zen

We oft observe but fail to see,
for senses mute what they foresee.
Rest, and loose your mind to roam.
Sensations then refresh your chi.
{...and clear the Way to apogee}

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Laureate-Askew Haiku

Trump’s Presidential!
Clinton’s chi speaks honestly!
Media’s magic?

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Laureate-Blue Haiku

Red and Blue both blue.
Soon must choose a nominee...
can they voters woo?

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Laureate-May

It is another month of Spring
when love and life are burgeoning.
The fragrant winds arouse your chi...
but sinuses ruin everything.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by James E. Cox.