Tuesday, May 30, 2023


                              Life’s Lesson

Life’s tides can bring both joy and pain,

soul, skill and wit all wax and wane.

At ebb you must repair and bear,

at flow new heights you can attain.

Sunday, May 28, 2023


Memorial Day

Those who have died to stem the tide

of foes who would destroy our land.

Each May their souls are glorified

and praised for their historic stand.

Celebrations fill the country,

but if you can’t attend,

remember that they kept us free,

and all our veterans befriend.

Saturday, May 27, 2023


Health Salesmen

When salesmen on the Internet

 want you to hear health food or pill.

Oft seem like hours to regret

that simple speech became molehill.

{I’ve waited for that speech to end,

 yet always quit to let peace wend.}

Thursday, May 25, 2023


                    Trump Lies {Satori}

                        Amendment I

O’er thirty thousand lies he told

when Trump talked to his base.

Deny him from Amendment I ...

for Trump free speech erase.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023



All scammers deeds are illicit,

defrauding is their goal.

For a call, or any visit...

know them, or just tell them to “Go!”

Monday, May 22, 2023


Computer Pop-up Ads

I was working on my poem this day

when an advertisement interrupted.

They thought that they should have their say,

and fury in me erupted.

This deed has happened many times,

and it always leaves me angry

I note the fools who do the crimes

and vow they’ll get just scowls from me.

Saturday, May 20, 2023



My rhymes attack Amendment I

I’ll write far more before I’m done.

Words contained in prose or free speech

must never lie nor the truth breach.


Thursday, May 18, 2023


Companies {Satori Haiku}

       (Amendment I)

Companies oft lie!

Errors made, and people die...

free speech can’t apply!


Tuesday, May 16, 2023


The Wealthy

The Middle Class must loathe the rich...

they can, and do, control their lives.

So many things on which to bitch,

like the wealthy for power strives.


Many begin by wealth passed on

from parents that were quite affluent.

Their children’s lives have their ills gone...

even should they be a truant.


Every four years they bare their strength

and loose dark money’s clout.

They now can go to any length

to make their plans win out.


The money they give to abet

politicians win their seat

can quickly make them to regret

if quid pro quo is not complete.

{Their power  now corrupts, 

but pray bankruptcy interrupts.}


Saturday, May 13, 2023


  Mother’s Day

The second Sunday of each May

we return the love mother gave.

We know that where we are today

is a result of the paths she’d pave.


TV Ads

I can watch TV in comfort

until the ads attack.

With twenty minutes to report

I am besieged by noise jam-packed.


I have to turn the volume down

as eardrums ache in pain.

My age does not make me frown...

it’s from the din the ads obtain.

{Please tell them present rules

will change to noise can’t bruise.}


will change to noise can’t bruise.}


Friday, May 12, 2023


George Santos 2

Feds charged Santos with many lies.

He said he is “Not Guilty.”

But more he said were feeble tries

to help him to stay free.

Yet lying let him best embrace

a way for  him to stroll away.

Feds cautioned him most lies they’d chase

bode life in jail and for life stay.

But now he tells everyone

he’ll keep same seat until he’s done.


Wednesday, May 10, 2023


In Search of Truth 

So many websites post the news!

So many have their biased views!

If there are some who guise with lies,

few people can facts analyze.


Monday, May 8, 2023


Artificial Intelligence {Satori Haiku}

          Change 3 (Amendment I)

Frauds now use AI

to disguise their latest lie...

they’re treacherous crimes!

Thursday, May 4, 2023


Change 2 Amendment I {Satori Haiku} !

Make lying taboo!

That said or wrote must be true...

lies bode jail for you.

Monday, May 1, 2023

                    As You Wake

You must attempt to start each day

with a smile on your face.

When little twinges try to sway

use humor to erase.

They have to leave

if you don’t grieve.