2024’s Eve
What comes in 2024
we do not know so quaff our cup.
But we won’t care what is in store
until we sober up.
flow from Cyrano.
would, I could be him.
brook no blow from crass ego
those who injured at a whim.
draw his sword upon wrong word
still the haughty tongue.
state in rhyme what was the crime
after the verse he stung.
Cyrano! I do, like you,
lines that flow within my heart.
send a message to imbue
bullies must not fear impart.
I use quill instead of swords,
To The Athletes
As I watch television
and see the action
I must admire that you
with all the pressure
you must bear,
all of your efforts
to excel,
all the pain from
muscles torn.
Are all of the honors
that you seek
fair payment for the
load you’ve borne?
And when you wake to
face your foes,
your body aching,
mind in stress,
you rise to face the
cruel throes
your opponent may
soon express.
Win, or lose, you’ll
awe the throng
and prove your
strength of will is strong.
Future Harmony
When we reached senior
my wife and I
prepared to leave life’s stage.
We paid for a Will
for our family
to ensure they all
live in harmony.
But, we worry about
their future life.
Trump’s GOP will
bring this nation strife....
we now pray to God we can live to solve.
And our future
votes will all strife dissolve.
What is happening
to justice?
Is trial by your
peers meaningless
if lawyers choose those steered by puppeteers?
Both sides are
given the same facts
and then debate
It is strange that different tacks
decide who sinks
or swims.
Observers find the
jury’s choice
of either ”pro” or
leaves them unsure that truth prevailed
… or best orator
Each tic in time makes facts turn gray,
just look at history.
The longer that the pieces lay
we find a mystery.
Just look at history
of Man of dinosaurs and such...
we find a mystery
of who was there to tell us much.
Of Man, of dinosaurs and such
o’er time we find just bone
of who was there to tell us much
and say what seeds were sewn.
O’er time we have just bone.
Each tic in time makes facts turn gray
to say what seeds were sewn...
the longer that the pieces lay.
Into the Blue
What does it mean when one says he is blue?
Do colors define the state of the mind?
Must then we describe the shade or the hue?
And what is said if you speak to the blind?
One could be azure, as blue as clear skies,
and end his refrain with eyes filled with tears.
Be he then happy or his heart decries
his lover’s affection now veers.
What then of turquoise or aquamarine?
They’re hues of blue and fair to behold,
but no sage nor saint would know what you mean
if that was the aura some said he showed.
Blue hues may belong on flowers or walls
but blue on a psyche renders shortfalls.
Happy Anniversary 33
You’ve been my muse since we first wed.
Your love and warmth filled head and bed.
You shared my world and poetry
and gave both life and energy.
And though the aches and pains of age
are now a part of our life’s page.
The love of my muse is now a cure,
and there is naught I can’t endure.
God bless us with many more years,
and let love buoy us through nadirs.
Labor Day
just another holiday?
should read the tale
how the Pullman strike
U.S. pols turn pale.
government reacted
soldiers and police.
workers had a wildcat strike...
commerce almost cease.
Prez knew angry workers
be mollified.
pledged to them a holiday
honor those that died.
Labor Day is many things
summer fun is over.
should cease to wear white clothes...
your dog Rover.
school will start, vacations end,
picnic and have fun.
remember as you play,
workforce this day won.
Prescription Drugs
Biden has asked
drug companies
to lower Medicare’s
It took three
years, then there were cheers,
but the red pols
said nothing nice.
Pres wants to
lower more drug costs,
but red pols may
refuse to aid.
{Red states will
still use, yet Pres abuse...
Trump’s anger makes red pols afraid}
Violent Ex-President
It is time we reconsider
all those that we elect.
Some seem to follow Lucifer,
and our country they affect.
The Don attacked this nation...
an act known as treason.
He lost his White House seat,
stay in control was his reason.
Trump has been indicted
for all misdeeds he’s done.
His mug shot for his crimes
would cause Satan to run.
The GOP Debate
Candidates vied,
but none could lead.
All bragged about
their past
and said the same
is what we need,
but some attacked
that which was cast.
Some said they’d
increase fossil fuels
to help our land with
They all should know
that only fools
will climate
change harass.
They all attacked our
and most said they’d
vote for The Don.
Despite our White House
is their state’s champion
to fix roads, bridges and buildings.
TV Advertisements
When I waken in the morning
to advertisements without warning.
They raise the volume so damned high
you think a war ensues nearby.
Oft you hear a single word...
over and over your mind is stirred.
Or songs are sung, more like a scream,
ruining your very latest dream.
{I’d rather sleep a little more
than hear what the ads have in store.}
The Arena
We compete in an
like the coliseum
in Rome.
The foes are just as dangerous,
and oft they
strike us in our home.
With e-mail, phone
or Internet...
and obscure sword and shield,
they use but
words, the foul dastards,
and probe to find
a cache unsealed.
Best never leave
your guard relaxed
or perps assail your frail greenbacks.
When You Age
No longer can I mount
the heights
nor spelunk damp, dark
I can no longer slalom
nor jump wild tanker’s
What happened to the
strength and skill
that fill my reveries?
From whence came all the
that weakened so my knees?
Phobias were not there
I never even thought of
until I passed through my
youth’s door.
As now I reach a ripened
all feats rest in
the past,
and it becomes my
hardest chore
to value deeds there
But I’m aware the task I
each day from dawn to
is realize heroic acts
must be as patriarch.
Our Pols of Red
Everything the red pols pass
now fills our country with morass.
They make it hard for blue to vote
for on their future red pols dote.
Their states are split to blue impede,
so they’ll not get the votes they need.
They are the lackeys of The Don,
but indictments turn outlook wan.
{I will not ever vote for them...
I frankly hate their stratagem.}
Doomsday Clock
We’ve ruined the lands where
human’s sew...
polluted seas where food would
We must take stock and watch the
our planet’s sick, must cure
It’s time that Man shares
and everyone works for the good.
{Let Man now solve this plight
and better do it fast and right.}
2024 Election
When The Don runs in ‘24
he’ll get “No Vote” from me.
He told us what we have in store
when in control of our country.
He will release all those in jail
who aided in his coup.
Then all his foes he will assail
and punishment issue.
The USA will fade away...
will be run like Vladimir.
Forever will this Putin stay
and rule with severe fear.