tides will bring both and pain.
skill and wit all wax and wane.
ebb you must repair and bear.
flow new heights you can attain.
From the book, Sunset by James E Cox
There is
a trip we all can take
and toll
for most is free.
It is the
jaunt to whilom self
and you
prepaid the fee.
To go
there rest and close your eyes
and loose
your mind to wend.
In time
you will pass everyone
who knew
you...foe or friend.
You will
recall the good times
and those
that left you sad.
find that gray days strengthened you…
the fair,
too, helped a tad.
Remember also that the past
forged the core of you.
And moments, though but soupcons cast,
gave to your pith the glue.
So take again that journey,
though change one tic you can’t,
taste yesterday and then hold sway
o’er the morrow’s seeds you plant.
From my tome, As The Mind Meanders
Into the Blue
What does it mean when
one says he is blue?
Do colors define the
state of the mind?
Must then we describe
the shade or the hue?
And what then said if
you speak to the blind?
One could be azure, as
blue as clear skies,
and end his refrain with
eyes filled with tears.
Be he then happy or his
heart decries
his lover’s affection
now veers.
What then of turquoise
or aquamarine?
They’re hues of blue and
fair to behold,
but no sage nor saint
would know what you mean
if that was the aura you
said that he showed.
Blue hues may perfect on
flowers or walls
but blue said of psyches
may render shortfalls.
Sonnet by James Cox’s, The Essence of Jim.
and Press Don’t Coalesce
always has attacked the press...
make blood pressure rise.
looks to be under much duress
air some place to post his lies.
guess Fox News has let him down...
lies with his don’t always jibe.
damned near has complete breakdown
they downplay his diatribe.
Trump could just switch to facts,
rest of us could all relax.}
Trump’s Worst in Verse is
available at Authorhouse, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Rhyming Haiku-Republican Party Laws.”
Laws that fools may guise
with goals they will paralyze
can cause their demise.
more poems by the Laureate.
GOP Voter Suppression
matters not the hue of skin...
matters where feelings begin.
If they
obey our country’s laws,
do not be
biased by sensed flaws!
Best strive
to recognize their need...
care your bills do not impede.
vote for pols if colorblind,
and their
ballots are not maligned.
react when attacked.}
Use Trump’s Name, He’ll Enflame
Don attacked the RNC...
name was used to get money.
wants his base to keep him rich.
anything else The Don will bitch.
pols set Trump free,
RNC made him cranky.}
Trump’s Worst in Verse is
available at Authorhouse, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Court Denies Trump’s Lies
The Don has stacked the Supreme Court
expecting them his lies support.
But here again they turned him down...
it was another big letdown.
It is best that Trump just play golf,
and MAGA hat he should take off.
Trump’s Worst in Verse is available at Authorhouse, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
The Laureate has updated
his poems for March 2021 on his poetry website, and 12 poems in February on his blog, Jim has now written over 2525 poems. The Blog has had
over 35,020 visitors, more than 10,939 them from 87 different countries.
Jim’s new book, Trump’s Worst in Verse is available at
Amazon and Barns and Noble. Visit and enjoy!