Monday, November 30, 2020

The Don’s Monomania

It really takes gall

when Republicans, et al

still claim election fraud

as part of their facade.

They made it hard to ballots mail.

They tried to make some ballots fail.

They filled the courts with their fake ploys,

which merely caused chagrin and noise.

Now even Putin’s on their side...

which proves he is with Trump allied.

It’s time The Don and all his hacks

are labeled monomaniacs.


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Saturday, November 28, 2020

Trump’s GOP

The Grand Old Party...for a while,

until they learned to use their guile.

Their aims were changed to lie and cheat

in everything they would compete.

They vied for ultimate power...

over all foes they strived to tower.

They no longer represent all...

be GOP or you appall.

And then they backed The Don,

who made them all a pawn.

Though he lost control of our land,

they're forced to give The Don a hand.


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Friday, November 27, 2020

Trump’s Awed by Fraud?

The Don’s a liar and a cheat,

and that’s been proven many times.

It’s hard to believe anyone

can best him in those crimes.

So, election fraud is a lie

that he can say before, ”goodbye.”


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Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

 For what can I be thankful

when I peruse the news?

Our world is filled with suffering

and terrorism brews.


I’m thankful I’m American,

where freedoms are assured.

I’m thankful for my kith and kin,

whose love o’er time endured.


I thank God when I wake

regardless how I ache.

At night, I pray at dawn,

papers say all problems gone.


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Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Happy Days and Holidays 

Those who choose to dodge

the COVID rules to save lives

do not earn triage.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

 Trump’s Psychotic Plan

When you add Trump’s lying lawyers

to those who sin within his base,

you sense The Don joined with Satan

to grasp control o’er our birthplace.


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Monday, November 23, 2020

Trump’s Nitwit Snit

 Trump’s many obtuse ploys

only manage to irritate.

It’s time The Don halts what annoys

and tells the world he’ll abdicate.

{Like a tot in a snit,

it’s time that Trump gets over it.}

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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Trump Losers

When you back a liar and loser,

you prove your ignorance.

The Don lost by five million votes,

and swears he won in all his rants.


All of those votes that Trump has lost

you may face on next election.

It’s best you now not bear that cost

to find you’ll ne’er be their selection.

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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Don’t Faun on The Don


Last haiku was for little tots...

but Trump was in my mind.

Few can absorb judicious thoughts...

if parent’s truths are misaligned.


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Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Don’s Taint

As mayor of New York City,

Giuliani attained his fame.

And, he was sitting pretty

until The Don taught him new game.


He’s famous now for finding lies

and helping Trump to some facts guise.

It is a shame he falls so far...

it stains his once great repertoire.

{The Don’s foul touch, stains all he may clutch.}


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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Senator Graham Aids Trump’s Mayhem

The Red pols like Lindsey Graham

are helping The Don make mayhem.

The RNC should probe quickly...

if he’s done wrong...condemn.

{Another of the GOP should get the third degree.}


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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Elephants Protect The Don


The GOP protects The Don...

he shielded them with his aegis.

For he may know some crimes they spawn

are illicitly egregious.


That could be why some say Trump won...

it’s often called blackmail.

For when The Don knows his term done,

he could to all their plans avail.


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Monday, November 16, 2020

Trump’s Ego Must Go

Trump, when your ego governs,

you can’t admit that you have failed.

And, chief of your concerns

is why your ship has sailed.


You had the country by the scruff

but did not hear some shout, “Enough!”

And when you found you lost the vote,

you thought more lies would float lifeboat.

{It is time that Trump retire...throw ego in quagmire.}

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Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Don’s Morons

It should be no surprise

The Don’s still telling lies.

Yet red pols, plus his base,

smile at him and embrace.


Trump still claims he has won,

but all lies they sanction...

they probably will follow him

beyond the edge of Hades’ rim.

{If they do...justice due!}


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Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Don’s Peons

The Don does not act for us all,

just those who show him fealty.

But when the vote has made him fall,

he turned his back on whole country.


The pandemic is running rife,

but Trump’s pathetic mind

forgets the loss of life

is with his pawns combined.

{When pathetic, seek a medic.}


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Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday’s Haiku-When You Fail

Chi knows when you fail

and punishes if you try

any blame deny.

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Thursday, November 12, 2020

Best Let The Don Yawn 

The Don’s no longer president...

he’s busy creating chaos.

On the pandemic, he is mute...

he frankly is a worthless boss.


Some GOP pols are faithful...

they feel he’s in a snit.

About his base, their disgrace

is help with lies far from legit.

{It is best just let sad Trump stew,

and let Joe Biden pass on through.}


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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veterans Day


This day we pause to thank all vets

who served to keep our country free.

Let’s show our love and gratitude

on this day...’till eternity.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Trump’s Now Far From Tsar

The Don still claims he won,

and some red pols support.

They now embrace one they should shun...

for Trump, as tsar, is last resort.

{They control the courts and their base

but forgot the vote can displace.}


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Monday, November 9, 2020

The Election Dilemma

"All know Trump is a liar!"

After twenty-two thousand lies.

The red pols and Trump’s base

refuse to recognize...

more lies earn more disgrace.

{And those who post a threat

are best to merely fret.}


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Sunday, November 8, 2020


The Don’s Downfall

The Don, who placed a crook in charge

to slow all ballot mail,

has added to his 20k lies

by charging states their vote tests fail.


He’s riled his base of pawns

with nary one good fact.

He’s met with judges’ yawns...

implying don't overact.


Joe Biden’s Prez Elect...

The Don says he will sue.

Frankly, with respect,

The Don must say adieu!


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Saturday, November 7, 2020

 Joe Biden Declared the Winner

The Don deserves the loss.

He leaves with awful resumé

and departs in chaos.

Pray Trump sets forth without melee.

{May Trump’s base now more by him enrapt.}


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.


Friday, November 6, 2020



Don’t let chaos win!

A mind at rest ponders best

when Chi’s calm within.


Visit for more poems by the Laureate.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Pending Election Results

Ballots are still being counted,

and Biden is still ahead.

In several states the count’s still wanted,

and Trump rants wrath best left unsaid.

{If Trump should lose, he says he’ll sue...

one failure more, what’s new?


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Monday, November 2, 2020

 Trump’s Acts

The Don is acting like a Tsar

when breaking laws to win.

The Don and his red Senate pawns

now use his base to add chagrin.


They’ve morphed to be his hack...

if he wins there’s no path back.

They soon must cling to their new Vlad

but can’t return to what once had.


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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Trump’s Super-spreader Rallies


Stanford University gauged

the results of eighteen rallies.

Team found, while Trump lied on the stage,

Covid claimed thousands of bodies.

{Seven hundred may have died...

since Covid rules were not applied.}


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