Wednesday, September 30, 2020


The Don Vs Biden Debacle

Though Trump and Joe agreed on flow,

The Don controlled the floor.

Trump’s ego had to dominate,

and he demanded to say more.


Both could speak two minutes,

but one must remain mum.

Yet when Joe would talk, Trump would mock...

infringement hard to overcome.


The Don evaded some questions

to brag on things yet done.

Wallace needed to remind them

new subjects are not an option.

{Trump again defies all rules...

then subjects all to his whirlpools.}


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Monday, September 28, 2020


The Don Axes His Taxes

Trump is world famous for his lies...

when caught he blames the media.

When the truth stills “Fake News” outcries,

Trump seems to have amnesia. 

Trump found that his taxes

are being scrutinized.

And what is his due he axes...

pays far, far less with blatant lies.

{Trump’s lied to us so many times...

a brazen example of his crimes.}


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Sunday, September 27, 2020


Trump’s Reality Personality

Was the program, The Apprentice,

in fact reality?

When Trump talks to others,

his ego treats all boorishly.


But now that he is President

it’s best he try to look sincere.

Unfortunately, that honor

is just reserved for Vladimir.

{His ego makes a fool of him...

it dominates what authors limn.}


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Saturday, September 26, 2020


Trump’s Roulette

He’s rarely looking at the board

but is banking on the come-line.

He reminisces once he won...

when his corruption did align.

{Trump should not depend on Lady Luck,

for that is when risk runs amok!}


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Friday, September 25, 2020

A Friday Haiku-Aide Memoire For Politicians

An oath of office

is a promise, not mere words...

etch in Chi’s records.

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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Trump Fears The Ballot

The Don is now setting the stage.

He will make our votes meaningless,

and pawns will condone this outrage...

for Putin that is his process.

{Trump surrounds himself with crooks...

he fears the voters’ angry looks.}


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Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Trump’s Rich Might Bitch


The Russians have their oligarchs...

they’re all allied to Vlad.

The Don has bought his billionaires,

and they deem him Sir Galahad.


Now billionaires and oligarchs

strive hard to make The Don a tsar.

But Russians might abhor that plight

if that makes Trump a superstar.


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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

 DC, Trump’s Army

Don’t tell a pol to vote their heart...

best look to see if they have one.

If you find there’s strings attached,

they are a puppet of The Don.

{He’s filled DC with lackeys...

soon whole country he will seize}.


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Monday, September 21, 2020


To The Don They’re Drawn

The Don’s base must believe his lies

or mystified by sleight of hand.

But as he vies to fantasize,

it’s truth they really should demand.

{If the fools need fantasy,

they are in the wrong country.}


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Saturday, September 19, 2020



The Grand Old Party used to be

the faction  trusted blatantly.

Then came The Don, Barr, Moscow Mitch...

and that trio acts callously.

{Could be the current GOP

should cease to be for our country.}

Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Friday, September 18, 2020


Friday’s Haiku-Liars 

Beware of liars.

One good reason for their lies...

sin oft underlies.


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Thursday, September 17, 2020


Bona Fides

When your life is fraught with danger,

never trust it to a stranger.

Demand the proper bona fides

lest you heed what felons augur.


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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Laureate-Neutralize Trump's Lies

Neutralize Trump's Lies

Be concerned of the lies Trump tells,
but disturbed by what they’re about.
For when The Don attacks his foes,
calumny he will spout.
{If The Don were not President,
in a jail he’d be resident.}

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Monday, September 14, 2020

The Laureate-Anon The Don?

Anon The Don?

Trump, you had best take care!
For laws you’ve broken and more sins,
anon the voters may deem fair
that “lock him up” for you begins.
{You chant that with your base...
when you have earned that disgrace.}

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Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Laureate-The Don Unmasked

The Don Unmasked

Trump’s lies are very revealing...
they tell us he failed history...
placate him while he is bragging...
help his mind wander aimlessly.
{His mind is not in gear,
when lies try to steer.}

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Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Laureate-The Don's Dark Data

The Don’s Dark Data

The Don now gets Covid-19
records and withholds the data.
He says he’d rather not spread fear...
and already is our Jonah.
{But, as President, his job is evident...
 to tell the facts regardless of portent.}

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Friday, September 11, 2020

The Laureate-Friday's Haiku, Music

Friday’s Haiku-Music

Choose calming music,
chaos foils tranquility...
toward peace you best flee.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Laureate-The Don's Bully Pulpit

The Don’s Bully Pulpit

A bully will surround himself
with those who can act tough.
Trump’s Secret Service officers,
The Don found aren’t enough.

He uses White House minions
who pledge their fief to him.
And they will do most anything
to satisfy his ego’s whim.

The Bully appointed judges,
including for the Supreme Court...
and AG Barr will also star
in giving Trump support.
{The Don is in position
to finish The Tsar mission.}

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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Laureate-The Election-Redux

The Election-Redux
{The Don, et al}

When pols disparage foes,
they should be punished if they lie.
And falsehoods about their own deeds
should bar the chair they’d occupy.

Their lies still fill the Internet...
when aired the TV’s turned to mute.
I wish that they would be removed
and make what I wrote absolute.
{Trump should chastise Russian lies.}

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Monday, September 7, 2020

The Laureate-Our Future?

Our Future?

I consider college youngsters
the future of our land.
But when they scoff...defy the rules,
our future’s mired in their quicksand.

They’ll be like many current pols
who think but of themselves alone.
Their laws will cheat when they compete...
unmindful of foul seeds they’ve sewn.
{Educate...don’t stagnate!}

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Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Laureate-Trump Can’t Erase Disgrace

Trump Can’t Erase Disgrace

The Don can tell 20K lies,
then tell us they are our folklore.
He never will admit he’s wrong...
must tell lies while in a stupor.

Unfortunately, for the Don,
his lies are on tape...never gone.
There is eternal evidence
that when he lies there’s no defense.
{Never admire a liar.}

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Friday, September 4, 2020

The Laureate-Make The Don Aver His Spur!

Make The Don Aver His Spur!

The Don revealed his attitude
of soldiers who now serve.
He does not seem to realize
just what they do deserve.

They put their lives in jeopardy
to protect our way of life.
He could at least show reverence
when lives are lost in strife.

We know he did not serve.
He blamed it on bone spur.
His many lies are such...
we doubt that did occur.
{It’s obvious he doesn’t use a crutch.}

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The Laureate-Friday’s Haiku-Wise Exercise

Friday’s Haiku-Wise Exercise

Exercise each day.
If you find some muscles sore
ease to shore rapport.

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Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Laureate-Voters' Choice

Voters’ Choice

The Don controls the GOP
and grateful for their history.
They restricted all those who vote...
passed laws to keep their ploys afloat.
The Don now takes a giant stride,
who runs the mail is on his side,
and he’ll delay the voter’s choice...
may never hear the voter’s voice.
{We know the Red pols history,
but Trump now bodes more misery.}

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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Laureate,Trump's Unstable Gut

Trump's Unstable Gut

In my senior year of physics,
my prof told me one day,
though smart, you can’t know all the laws
so know where most may lay.

That is so true for all.
My poems oft advised The Don,
your gut can't tell you why or what...
it does not there belong.
{The Don thinks he can fix it all,
but all problems can't be solved by gall.}

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