Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Laureate-Trump's Trips

Trump’s Trips

Trump meets tyrants clandestinely,
and later he will spew deceit.
With all the lies told you and me,
the voters must this Prez unseat.

Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Laureate-Democrat Debates

Democrat Debates

The President will smile
when those across the aisle
defame those who compete
to commandeer his seat.

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Friday, June 28, 2019

The Laureate-The Poet {Haiku}

The Poet

Verses lay within.
Chi decides if soft or din...
'til the heart joins in.

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Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Laureate-Gerrymandering


The Supreme Court forsakes your vote.
Gerrymandering stays afloat.
Seems those in charge define all lines
for Red, or Blue, to foes garrote.
{... protect each vote!}

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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Laureate-Confucius Said

Confucius Said:

Great Man is mindful of candor...
the Petty Man only of self.
Petty Man’s ego must deter
the lies he even told himself.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Laureate-The Warming Warning

The Warming Warning

Time moves on.  He can not wait
to solve that which fools meditate.
Once more He writes within His book,
“The Prez may prate until too late.”

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Monday, June 24, 2019

The Laureate-Trump vs Federal Reserve.

Trump vs Federal Reserve

The Prez is now hell-bent...
on Fed Reserve does vent.
He is irate...
must cut the rate,
and Powell best relent.
{From the stable genius with six bankruptcies.}

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Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Laureate-Prez Stumps {Haiku}

Trump’s Stumps {Haiku}

Oft when Prez lies flow,
and the truth he doesn’t know...
base should scoff and go.

{...and do not give him dough.}

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Friday, June 21, 2019

The Laureate-The Iran Problem

The Iran Problem

The Prez likes most men of power,
Putin, Jong Un and Saudi sheiks.
But, Iran’s leader turns him sour...
for when he speaks Trump’s temper piques.

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Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Laureate-Iran


Our Prez needs someone to guide him...
and not his base nor Fox News.
When angered talk with NATO...
consensus could prevent miscues.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Laureate-Trump's Obstructions

Trump’s Obstructions 

Trump’s lawyers must know everything...
least what Mueller’s report will bring,
but their delays
and smoky haze
won’t take away the final sting.
{...though they will be employed longer.}

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Laureate-Trump's Base Embrace

Trump’s Base Embrace

Today Trump speaks in Florida
to his base and press who care.
He’ll add to his ten thousand lies...
while his base displays fanfare.
{...and Trump will say millions are there.}

Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Laureate-The Prez and Polls

The Prez and Polls

The Prez abhors the latest  polls...
says they’re  but lies told by his foes.
He hates the press and all their boos...
they spoil his braggadocios.

Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Laureate-Father's Day

Father’s Day

They may no longer ride a steed;
yet, are they not the selfsame breed?
Their dragons, jousts and far crusades
are battles fought to fill each need.

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Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Laureate-Flag Day

Flag Day

As we raise our Flag each day,
think of all it does display.
We fought for freedom through the years...
it still safeguards the USA.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Laureate-Trump's Bully Pulpit

Trump’s Bully Pulpit

Let him think his pulpit
gives his foes a dreadful fit.
But they need not to respond...
those with wit abhor a twit.
{His base should sense disgrace!}

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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Laureate-Catbird Seat Spreads Deceit

Catbird Seat Spreads Deceit

The Prez must think that he is neat
as he sits on the catbird seat.
He twitters smut...can safely strut
when secret service walks their beat.

But, if our Prez was just some Joe
and tried to hit his foes so low,
he’d find for every lie he’s told
to the courts he’d have to go.

Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Laureate-Mermaid Tears

Mermaid Tears

Plastics, for a while, were king
for building almost anything.
Until the Cretins and the rich,
rather than mend, began to ditch.

Now oceans and seas have mermaid tears
as food for fish on all frontiers.
They’re in our salt and what we eat...
anon the nurdles spice our meat.
{Prez; Such spheres now serve the elite.}

Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Laureate- Solution For Resolution

Solution for Resolution

O’er seven billion souls on earth,
and rich and poor can prove their worth
to find new uses for our trash
that circulates our planets girth.

You all can help mankind survive.
You have good minds that can contrive
to use debris, that oft is free,
rather than toss it in the sea.

Use waste food to till  the fields,
reshape tin cans and use what yields.
And, biggest problem on the list...
plastic is the worst crisis.
{One that should not be dismissed.}

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Friday, June 7, 2019

The Laureate-Your Fear {Haiku}

Your Fear {Haiku}

Heed each morrow’s fear.
‘Til you place it on its bier,
God and Chi can’t steer.

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Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Laureate-D Day

D Day

On this day in Forty-four,
seventy-five years ago,
our soldiers stormed the beaches
the Nazis vowed they’d ne’re let go.

Scores gave their lives to free us all.
So vow the freedoms seized that day
will be embraced, and held so close
there’s none can wrench their gift away.

Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Larueate-Red Pols Appalled

Red Pols Appalled

It took some time, but Red Pols wake...
Trump’s tariffs can logic forsake.
They find the Prez hurts those who vote
and fear their base will bellyache.
{Take care on whom you dote!}

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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Laureate-Trump's UK Visit

Trump’s UK Visit

If the hostess finds she’s blessed
with a shallow-minded guest,
who is critical and snide...
at home he thinks that’s dignified.

Visit for more poems by the Laureate.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Prez: The Laureate-The Grate Negotiator!

Prez: The Grate Negotiator!

Our prez still thinks that he is great
by how he can negotiate.
But tariffs affect consumers,
and we’re the ones he'll castigate.
{...and he's the one we should castrate!}

Visit for more poems by the Laureate.