Friday, September 28, 2018

The Laureate-Judge Kavanaugh...

Judge Kavanaugh...
if questions seek a "Yes" or "No"
and you scurry to an fro
as Judge you’d tell the perp
the truth you now usurp
and will not find a safe burrow.

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Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Laureate-Kavanaugh and Ford.

Kavanaugh and Ford

Kavanaugh and Ford had their say.
The fog’s still there and it might stay
until the truth is gleaned from facts,
and one who lied be cast away.
{No longer should you hesitate.
Detectives should investigate.}

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Laureate-Kavanaugh's Memory

Kavanaugh’s Memory

And now there are three he never did see
when he was on a drinking spree.
Strange it is though, that no friends know
if he, or some she, did party...
{Maybe it is Quid Pro Quo}

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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Laureate-Too Much Exposure!

Too Much Exposure!

Red Pols, it seems you do not care
if Kavenaugh belies his guilt.
You blame the Blue for what they share...
what he exposed beneath his kilt.

The law says such disclosure
is much, too much, exposure...
and should he be a Judge Supreme,
if he can’t stow it as a teen?

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Monday, September 24, 2018

Proposition #127 {Renewable Energy}

Proposition #127 {Renewable Energy}

It seems dark money stole our vote
and we have little we can say.
Our Pols resolved to pass a law
that let the perps have it their way.

If they must use the fossil fuels,
we put in charge a bunch of fools.
Next vote, I feel it’s only fair
that we expel them from their chair.

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Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Laureate-Scars of Youth

The Scars of Youth

The scars of youth still share your chi.
As you repose they may flow free.
You thought them gone as years go by...
do they return to caution thee
of the results when deeds went wry.

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Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Laureate- Plato, The Republic, 400 BC

Plato, The Republic, 400 BC
{“...and know there is no one who ever acts honestly in the administration of States...nor any helper who will save anyone who maintains the cause of the just.}

Words from far antiquity
will echo through our history
if we do not apply the reins
and take charge of our destiny.
{”Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana}

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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Laureate-We Too Are Peers

We Too Are Peers

Pols should take care lest we compare
how you control a trial of law.
Some seem to think it’s only fair
to choose the outcome at their call.

‘Tis time the people hear all facts
and be allowed to have their say.
I say that ‘cause your feral acts
must be addressed on voting day.

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The Laureate-Trump’s Tweets Cheat

Trump’s Tweets Cheat

Trump can but stretch the facts so far,
beyond that statements are bizarre.
Just tell the truth and then, forsooth,
if close to par...fame’s not that far.
{Add all strokes. Try for par!}

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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Laureate-Kavanaugh, et al

Kavanaugh, et al

Alas, when alcohols fast flow,
it can loose passions from your soul.
And if you bare an evil there,
pray God to help you keep control.
{But tell the truth on what you swear
or may no longer His warmth share!}

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Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Laureate-The Darkest Matters

The Darkest Matters

Dark Money and the Darkest Web
are real and should bring fear.
For when you enter their domain,
worst sins of Man cohere.

Pray they be like Dark Matter.
For when you see the light,
the slight is bared, the problem aired...
and let good laws the crisis smite.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Laureate-Governor Ducey

Governor Ducey,

to teachers you’ve been Jekyll and Hyde.
For years you’ve taken them for a ride.
They had to strike to get attention...
now ads say ‘twas e’er you’re intention.
{Now, what about all money received from Propositions for schools and roads?}

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Laureate-Patriot's Day

Patriot’s Day

Patriot's Day is far from new.
The brave respond when troubles brew.
They fought for independence,
and they’re still there when times are tense.
So let us rise to honor them...
embrace, support and call them friend

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Monday, September 10, 2018

The Laureate-Vice Prez Pence!

Vice Pres Pence!

Vice Prez Pence must be quite dense
or perplexed by the President.
He cannot have much common sense
or fails to see what’s evident.

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Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Laureate-Pols Fouls

Pols Fouls

We know the rich affect our laws.
Tis time the voters fix such flaws.
If those like Koch or NRA
back some pols, let vote be nay.

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Friday, September 7, 2018

The Laureate-Adieu To Thee GOP

Adieu To Thee GOP

After years of being Red,
I quaked at where your path had led.
I still chose who will represent,
but fear the rich now fluff your bed.

Now finally Republicans,
you’ve forced me to turn Blue.
You’ll heed the Prez and all he says...
even though it’s pooh.

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Laureate-Evident, My President

Evident, My President!

When mags, or books, or dirty looks
criticize with tour de force,
you should not tweet, nor threat, nor curse...
‘tis best that you now alter course.

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The Laureate-Constitutional Crises

Constitutional Crises

Logic and law...the same for all,
Forefathers had ordained.
What once stood tall
we’ve now seen fall...
for politicians those rules strained.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Laureate-Prez Vitriol.

The Prez Vitriol

When Prez tweets vitriol and lies,
on bully pulpit he relies.
He bullies from afar
and acts like he’s a Csar,
but he won’t look them in the eye.
{When face-to -face he may be shy!}

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Laureate-Kavanaugh, et al

Kavanaugh, et al

Over half the voters chose the Blue,
but Red pols act like that’s not true.
If Reds pass laws with facts opaque,
No one can know what they forsake.
{You may regret it when they do!}

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Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Laureate-In Memory of John McCain

In Memory of John McCain

John McCain showed Red and Blue
you can make friends with any hue.
You find you’ll understand their goal,
once you share part of their soul.

Don’t let McCain’s works die in vain...
let life and limn of wisdom reign.

Visit for more poems by the Laureate.