Monday, October 30, 2017

The Laureate-My Prez 103117

My Prez 103117

Your ratings sink in the morass,
because on Twitter you harass...
or ‘cause your tax breaks for the rich
alienate the Middle Class?

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Laureate-Collusion


Peel perps just like an onion,
not physically, of course,
for you must bare
what’s hidden there
to find corruption’s intercourse.

 Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Friday, October 27, 2017

The Laureate-The Charlatans.

The Charlatans

They’re charlatans and libertines...
the rich who work behind the scenes.
They’ll buy a pol
then morph afoul
of where his ethic leans.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Laureate-Corker, Flake, et al

Corker, Flake, et al

It is sad to see the able
feel they must leave the table,
because the host feels uppermost
can facts or fables label.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Laureate-The Egotist

The Egotist

Never ask an egotist
of what he does excel.
He will recite his lengthy list
until your mind hears doomsday’s knell.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Laureate-From the Middle Class and Poor

From The Middle Class...and Poor

Remember pols who share the Red,
forked tongues worked once but may no more.
If Free Speech now lights laws well dread...
our votes may just remove your spore.

Visit for more poems by James E. Cox,

Friday, October 20, 2017

The Laureate-Dear Prez 102017

                          Dear Prez, 

When you decry your cause went wry
because of false facts in the news.
Know that the lie that you imply
the same as falsehoods you diffuse.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Laureate-Change


In times of change you must take heed.
Watch the growth of every seed...
then wait for more than just a mite
to verify that all went right...
and even then with stealth proceed.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Laureate-Free Speech 101617

Free Speech

Free speech is granted all of us.
But, lies should be superfluous
from any law where our ethos
should control what we discuss.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Laureate-Congress 101417

Congress 101417

Can you not fathom their clever game...
most  promises will prove in vain.
They know they can not meet their pledge,
but their white lies oft earn acclaim.
{Lower taxes, reduce deductions.}

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Laureate-To Congress 101117

To Congress 101117

Try to recall our yesterdays...
when you could not see through the haze.
With lungs afire and weeping eyes,
you found the answers in the maze.

You passed laws to deter the smog...
coal, waste and cars would air not clog.
And if you now erase that slate
our votes may write your epilogue.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Laureate-The Future

The Future
{Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.}
                                                                                 George Santayana.

Laws are written to control
what reckless men will do for wealth.
In the past the feral way
would but destroy our nation’s health.
And now our politicians
remove the laws that bind,
and threaten to again allow
the nation’s felons unconfined...
which could destroy all of humankind.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

The laureate-Weekends

The Weekends

I watch but sports on the TV.
I root for my teams, normally.
But games oft end like laws pols passed...
they seldom seem are meant for me.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Laureate-Vegas et al

My Prez,

Las Vegas proved that triage works.
You can respond to all life’s quirks,
if those who lead
react with speed...
and never, ever with me-jerks.
{In life, the best team wins.}

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Laureate-Las Vegas

Las Vegas

Again a tortured soul,
from what we know not why,
ends the lives of many...
decided they should die.

So many lives were ruined,
even for his kith and kin,
and relatives of those he slew
must find a way...again begin .

I am not judge nor jury,
now God decides his fate.
But we must find an answer
lest NRA makes task too great.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Monday, October 2, 2017

The Laureate-Power

Power corrupts, Lord Acton said,
if absolute...absolutely.
Powerful pols can feather their nest...
so best use your vote astutely. 

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.