Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Since the dawn of history
the powerful succored their chi
by taking arms to kill their foes...
but rarely bared their progeny.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by The Laureate.

The Laureate-Troubles

If you would troubles circumvent,
tears and anger are misspent.
‘Tis best that you apply your grit
before your torment can cement.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by The Laureate.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Laureate-The Doceres

The Doceres
A baby from the womb is hurled
onto the steps of this cruel world.
They guide Fresh-Man, to learn the rules
as Truth’s onion is unfurled.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by The Laureate.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Laureate-The VA System

The VA System
My countrymen we should abhor
those who send our youth to war
then when vets hurt upon return
same heap on praise...but little more.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by The Laureate.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Laureate-Diets

Diet books abound,
a fact that should astound...
for soupcons and variety
will keep most less around.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by The Laureate.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Laureate-The Constitution

The Constitution
The Prez and Congress...Judges, too,
must feel just what its words imbue.
For every law that they may pass,
let thoughts within provide the glue.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by The Laureate.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Laureate-The Search for Relaxation

The Search for Relaxation
I’m sitting in my easy chair
but, find I can’t relax.
The TV and the Internet
oppress my life with useless facts...
facts that mean so little,
for I have no control.
{Try to tell politicos
how much and where your tax should go.}
I opt to turn off all the news
and let good music fill my head.
It seems the artist and his muse
would rather rap and shout instead.
So since I am a poet,
I should read poems of my peers,
but some I’ve read upset my head...
they’re far from classic balladeers.
New poets oft don’t punctuate...
they dare to leave that task to me.
That is a chore that I abhor,
and will not do it affably.
I could just curl up with a book.
but new books don’t use paper.
Words once that lured me to a page
are found now floating in the vapor
Prose implemented e-books,
electronically they’re read.
The cosmos has so many
I’d search the Cloud until I’m dead.
Now as I sit here in my chair,
bored to tears, yet mind alert,
I choose a crossword puzzle...
lest cross words from my mind might spurt.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by The Laureate.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Laureate-Motherhood

Motherhood is recognized each May
for throughout time no other has such sway.
Who else, but her, devoted all her life
to shelter you from all that could cause strife.
And who applauds each milestone you pass…
and kiss the many scars you might amass.
The second Sunday that will fall each May
is our chance to Mother’s Love repay.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by the Laureate.

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Laureate-Cinco De Mayo

Cinco De Mayo
“Cinco de Mayo!” you celebrate.
But is your fest too soon...too late?
You say this day you were set free.
Set free...to what...for thousands flee
(you never slew your enemy).

Some salved their pain but hurt lives on.
And though you shout the foe is wan,
it lives and it will never die
until your Nation’s ills are gone.

You would not need to move your bed
to other lands that you be fed,
if you’d stand tall and claim the spoils
brave others won through blood once shed.

Your land can feed your ev’ry need
if others dare not sate their greed.
So solve your problem there...at home,
...for only then will you be freed.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by the Laureate.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Laureate-Donald Sterling

Donald Sterling
It’s said he is a billionaire,
can buy most anything.
He has a team that is the cream
that could bring him a winner's ring.

He’s rich and should be smart,
especially at his age.
But seems affairs of heart
can spur on verbal fits of rage.

His story has a moral though,
that everyone should keep in mind.
It’s best to nurse a silent curse
than let the press your faults headline.

Visit http://allthatrhymes.squarespace.com for more poetry by The Laureate (Poet).