The Search for Relaxation
I’m sitting in my easy chair
but, find I can’t relax.
The TV and the Internet
oppress my life with useless facts...
facts that mean so little,
for I have no control.
to tell politicos
how much and where your tax should go.}
I opt to turn off all the news
and let good music fill my head.
It seems the artist and his muse
would rather rap and shout instead.
So since I am a poet,
I should read poems of my peers,
but some I’ve read upset my head...
they’re far from classic balladeers.
New poets oft don’t punctuate...
they dare to leave that task to me.
That is a chore that I abhor,
and will not do it affably.
I could just curl up with a book.
but new books don’t use paper.
Words once that lured me to a page
are found now floating in the vapor
Prose implemented e-books,
electronically they’re read.
The cosmos has so many
I’d search the Cloud until I’m dead.
Now as I sit here in my chair,
bored to tears, yet mind alert,
I choose a crossword puzzle...
lest cross words from my
mind might spurt.