Friday, April 25, 2014

The Laureate-Radioactive Dust

Radioactive Dust
Energy Fuels Resources Inc
has made some locals scratch and think.
The firm would stock uranium ores
too near Grand Canyon’s visitors.
Some say that radioactive dust
will ride toward them each wayward gust.
The Inc. says ink the State will state
assures a safe and happy fate...
(same as the food upon your plate.) 

Visit for more poetry by The Laureate (Poet).

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Laureate-Obamanable

The Feds reject our local laws
that deal with perps that would homestead.
They say the onus falls to them,
but we suspect the path they tread.

We find their plan Obamanable,
one that  plots to let them stay.
He bends all law to serve his call,
and prays the problem melts away.

Visit for more poetry by The Laureate (Poet).

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Laureate-The Goldilocks Zone

The Goldilocks Zone
The Boffins found a planet
within that special zone.
It is the zone where life can thrive...
but they can’t tell if cells have grown.

If the zone is like the fable
and human beings live there,
best not go, even when able...
we humans wreck the comfort zone.

Visit for more poetry by The Laureate (Poet).

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Laureate-Poetry

Poetry is important
to the thoughts that your words align...
for the power in remembrance
is oft controlled by rhyme.

Visit for more poetry by The Laureate (Poet).

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Poet-Ethnic Studies for Illegals

Ethnic Studies for Illegals
Strange that they who borders crossed...
past country ties vowed spurned and tossed...
now press we teach their progeny
of the history they have lost.

Visit for more poetry by The Poet.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Poet-Bishops at the Gate

Bishops At The Gate
(Our border fence)

You likened it to Berlin’s wall,
a wall to keep the Germans bound.
Our border fence is strong and tall,
but does not honest men confound.

The felons brave the desert heat
and thus eschew our laws.
They choose a path with grief replete
then tell us that our mores have flaws.

So, say a mass for those that fall
and we will say, “Amen!”
But, I say those who shun the law,
are not the peers of honest men. 

Visit for more poetry by The Poet.