The Planet’s Beau
Upon Life’s path few signs display
why countless souls have gone astray.
Yet signs are there for all to know,
should Man becomes this planet’s beau.
Pause, my friend, let facts flow free.
The moon should guide you through the
polluted skies diffuse its light.
We all could share its pilot glow
if Man becomes this planet’s beau.
Pause, my friend,...waste less, and
Stately mountains that guard your
hidden by the air’s brown stain…
could be a gift from her trousseau
if Man becomes this planet’s beau.
Pause, my friend, smell Man’s debris.
Extinction fears Man could abate
if to Earth’s plan he could relate.
The cup of Life would overflow
if Man becomes this planet’s beau.
Pause, my friend, and hear Earth’s
The rains of Life fall from the sky,
yet streams and lakes contain Man’s
Life’s liquid still could freely flow,
if Man becomes this planet’s beau.
Pause, my friend, and taste Earth’s
Essence of Man lives in the soil…
ravaged by him for gold and oil.
Food for all could amply grow
if Man becomes this planet’s beau.
Pause, my friend, touch Earth’s
You now know why Man went astray,
But each dawn brings another day
And future ills Man can forego…
if Man becomes this planet’s beau.
Pause, my Earth pledge,