Monday, December 31, 2012

The Poet--Don't Shelve Twelve

Don’t Shelve Twelve
Twelve is near gone...cannot return,
but from it there is much to learn.
Choose leaders well, and note each deed,
unseat them if they but impede,
for we must progress now...with speed.

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Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Poet--Good Riddance, Twelve

Good Riddance, Twelve

We soon will say “Goodbye” to Twelve...
and few are sad to see it go.
Of late, we’ve had some rotten years,
but this one earned the old-heave-ho.

Visit to read the rest of the poem by James E. Cox.

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Poet--To The Pols

To The Pols
All others meet commitments
or they soon lose their post.
You best avoid the cliff
or feel a heel rearmost.

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Poet--The Season

The Christmas Season

Food and gifts to needy sent…
the kinship felt seems evident.
We send them our goodwill and love
and wish them blessings from above…
but have we summed the times this year
we offered them our love and cheer?

This season let us firm resolve
to grieving neighbor’s problems solve.
And from this day let us firm vow
provide them food and clothes and plow…
Thanksgiving turkey, Christmas ham
are but two meals for grieving Man.

Visit to read more poetry by James E. Cox.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Poet--To Congress

If you stand stiff
and force us to the cliff,
it's best you hire
someone who'd sail a skiff.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Poet--December 21, 2012

December 21, 2012
The Mayans say this day we die
for we face Armageddon...
been said so many times before
my legs have run 'till leaden.
This time I'll stay right where I am,
and have, at least, a scotch, or two...
I'll put them on my credit card,
'cause I'l be gone when payment's due.

Visit for more poetry by James E. Cox.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Poet--Oldest Galaxy

Oldest Galaxy
Thirteen point seven billion years,
by scientific gauge,
is how long that the universe
took to set this stage.

And, now they’ve found a galaxy
that damned near saw the Bang.
We don’t know where we’re headed
or if we’ll boomerang.

From micro to the macro
the scientist still search...
when they can find all answers
 if they’d just go to church.

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Poet--To The NRA

To the NRA
Each day there are more people shot,
yet, you ask I join your cause.
You say support the Bill of Rights...
but your request has many flaws.

I back our Declaration
for life and liberty.
I do not think that fools with guns
will help keep our land free.

When I wrote about our cliff,
I said that all should compromise.
Your view of our Amendment II
has little I deem wise.

I trust you know I just said ”No.” 

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Poet--HSBC

Our Gov says they’re “too big to fail”...
that’s why the crooks can’t go to jail.
We sent a message loud and clear...
bank management has naught to fear.
Even when they’re laundering,
our fuzz will keep their record clean.

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Poet--Fare Thee Well, Voyager!

Fare Thee Well, Voyager!

So long ago we prayed, “God speed,”
as you left the launching tower.
And you were quite fast, indeed,
o’er thirty-six thousand miles per hour.

We said, “Goodbye” and not, “adieu,”
for we knew you would not return.
We could not know from your milieu
the heavenly facts that we would learn.

You now confront our System’s rim...
and soon may know what lies beyond,
but, Gates of Hell...or Cherubim...
we yearn to learn what you respond.

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Friday, December 7, 2012

The Poet: December 7, 1941

December 7, 1941

Though young I still remember,
how on that fateful day,
the look of shock in mother’s eyes
said our world had turned gray.

Then came the deprivation...
rationing for our army’s needs.
The radio and the cinema
swelled our hearts with their brave deeds.

Resolve and toil helped win that war,
o’er seventy years our land stands free,
but those who bore that world war
know we must watch foes constantly. 

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dear President

Dear President,

You said all must cooperate
to save us from the cliff,
but when I hear you on TV
on most things you stay stiff.

The Red is black and Blue is white...
that’s what I hear you say.
But, if you want to solve our plight,
best turn your thoughts toward gray.
                                      The Poet

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Monday, December 3, 2012

The Cliff

The Cliff

The Red and Blue seek CYA
but fail to seek a cure.
Let history decide who’s wrong
but now just help our land endure.

The cliff is our real threat...
not how we reached the precipice.
If the Congress has no answer,
it’s time we should you all dismiss.

Visit   for more poetry by James E. Cox.