Thursday, April 26, 2012

In The News-John Edwards (Redux)

John Edwards (Redux)

You who ran for President
did more than merely fail,
foul play lost you the White House…
now that soiree bodes jail.

For more poetry by James E. Cox
visit htttp://

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The News-John al

John Edwards…et al

Politicos ask  we support
their bid to represent,
then take our dough…and don’t you know…
their private stash augment.

So when they stick their handout,
best give them not a mote.
Make them prove they’re principled
to even get your vote.

For more poetry by James E. Cox

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Current Events-Earth Day

The Desert

The desert is an arid waste,
Life’s liquid’s but a precious taste.
Yet foolish Man builds there unchecked
expecting Nature to keep pace.

For more poetry by James E. Cox

Friday, April 20, 2012

Current Events-GSA Party

GSA Party
(Jeff Neely)

We call your act malfeasance…
you broke the public trust.
You used taxpayer money
for booze and dance and lust.

If those that you employ
need games to stimulate,
there is an unemployment line
where masses pine and wait.

To me, I see the penalty
as pay back every dime.
Hammurabi said that is
the sentence for such crime.

A leader must be ethical,
you’re obviously suspect.
To me you are no better
than those that we elect.

For more poetry by James E. Cox

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Current Events- AZ Sweat Lodge Deaths

James Arthur Ray

His Sweat Lodge killed three people.
His peers sent him to jail…
not to make more money…
not defraud more old or frail.

The judge sent him to pay his dues…
to most for damn few days.
We never asked to let him find
more cons with which to graze.

Justice may be blind, but we
can see how much She asks repaid…
so let us roar, “The judge and She
have earned a failing grade.”

For more poetry by James E. Cox

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Current Events-Identity Theft

Identity Theft
They are the lowest of the low,
those who steal another’s name.
They revel in the afterglow,
uncaring that their acts oft maim.
They use their wit, but not one whit
for that which earns knighthood.
They use their grit but to outwit
all others in their hood.
They claim their crime’s white-collar
and penance should be light.
But, there’s no crime that’s fouler…
treat them like a parasite.

For more poetry by James E. Cox

Friday, April 13, 2012

Current Events-Kim's Rocket

Let’s hope all rockets Kim releases
end up too as useless pieces.
Let all waste fall in yellow sea
and be no threat to you or me.

It’s time Kim fed the hungry throng…
not beat his chest…pretend he’s strong.
We offered him our food as aid.
He responds with broken blade. 

For more poetry by James E. Cox

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Current Events-Property Tax

My home’s not underwater.
It is with value blessed...
if buyers have to pay the price
the county has assessed.

For more poetry by James E. Cox

Monday, April 9, 2012

Current Events-Reality TV

Some shows now dominate TV…
for many they’re the rage.
The ads say they’re reality...
I ask you with what gauge?
The plot is oft ridiculous
and milieu oft bizarre.
The winner often does some acts
that earn him plumes and tar.
There’s always some contestants
that tend to irritate.
They oft appear on other shows…
a standard boilerplate?
It makes me think that writers
must tend reality…
for otherwise a few good guys
would not end adversely.
They always seem to praise the one
whose morals are effete…
not something we should tell our kids
on how they should compete.

For more poetry by James E. Cox

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Current Events-Product Support

Oft I descend their menu tree
to find no end to my query.
The simple quest, that they propose,
will grant no probe they can't foresee.
They will not let me talk to them.
They think their FAQs surmount mayhem.
One can spend days in their foul maze…
and I soon curse that stratagem.
My vow is now to keep a list
of those who made me shake my fist,
and though their price be very nice
no helpful humans there exist.

      { know who you are!}

For more poetry by James E. Cox

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Current Events-Next Term

It’s obvious politicos
want first to keep their post.
We only ask they strive to fill
the basics we need most.
But then they ask the lobbyists
how to perform their task,
when any fool, with one year school,
will not the biased ask.
If you would keep your job next term,
don’t pay for ads with hype…
impress us with good action
and forego all that tripe.

For more poetry by James E. Cox

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Current Events-April 1st

April Fools

April First…a day for play,
when fertile minds with humor stray
and those who fail in mental duels
are mockingly called “April Fools.”

But some are more than “April Fools,”
they’re prey for those who break the rules…
the cannibals whose will is whet
by waxing off another’s sweat.

(For more poetry by James E. Cox