Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father’s Day

No longer does he ride a steed

but in his heart he’s just as bold.

Fathers must strive to solve your need

with the same knightly code.

                                            Jim Cox

Saturday, May 11, 2024


Mother’s Day

We hold her high above all other,

and thank her for her love and care.

We set this day aside for mother,

and our love this day we bare.


She’d comfort us when our dreams failed.

She raised us up each time we’d fall.

She shared her warmth whenever we ail

and she was always at our call.


We still are in her every prayer,

and her love guides through each morrow,

though days together may be rare

we’ll never forget her path to follow.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

                                                    Teach The Children 

Oh treasure now the days of youth,

the days when lies are not yet bleached.

When minds are clean as falling snow,

and Man’s dogmas are not yet preached.


This is the time for merriment,

and time to hone all skills.

Time for observation

of mountains and molehills.

A time to make them travelers

who walk the proper path.

A time to learn the usefulness

of sciences and math.


Yes, youth is the most precious time

that parents need to teach

all of the skills to aid the climb

                                       children will need to wisdom reach

Thursday, May 2, 2024


Wisdom {Tercet, Satori Haiku}

Life’s filled with surprise.

It can help or jeopardize...

best your choice be wise.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

                                                               The Amoral

If your foe now sets the rules aside

and with honor's code will not abide,

you must negate this ill-won state

and, fair or foul, must turn the tide.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

 Enlightenment {Satori Tercet Zen}

You must face a threat!

Fear produces prompt regret...

stay calm, don’t abet.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


A snake, a wasp, a foe's vague threat

should caution your next move, and yet,

show no fear that they may attack,

and you will not their bluff abet.